Effect Of Smoking On Your Spirits

Psychological Effects Of Smoking

For relaxation purpose, some people smoke and some to feel more alert when they feel dull. Some people as they want to relax their nerves when feel stressed, bored or to overcome their anger, they smoke.
A cigarette becomes their doctor, their buddy, and their life. Because of chemicals present in cigarettes, the smoke feel the cigarette as their doctor, buddy etc. These chemicals result in psychological effects that they have on the nerves of a smoker.

Psychological Effects Of Smoking – Nicotine

Nicotine is the head of all the chemicals in cigarette. It works as a stimulant. Nicotine has the same components and characteristics that cocaine, amphetamine has. Smokers want to have a boost up feeling when they feel depressed, frustrated and irritated.
Nicotine provides resistance to overcome all these feelings. As the Nicotine also increases the heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate, the smoker feels more alert than before. It helps in his spontaneous but deceptive recovery. After sometime a smoker finds himself at the same point with more worsen health.

Psychological Effects Of Smoking – Carbon Monoxide

Cigarette has products like Carbon monoxide and acetaldehyde. The harmful one of all the substances is Carbon monoxide. It makes one feel dull as if someone has locked you in the stuffy room.
These chemicals have property of reducing the anger, irritation and tensions. These chemicals hold these feelings but not eradicate them. Something the feelings are suppressed comes out more strongly. This same case happens in smoking.
People smoke, when consuming alcohol, taking coffee and eating desserts. It becomes a comfortable habit for them and they start taking it for granted. As a smoker feels that his stress is bothering him less after a puff and he is able to concentrate more, he gets involved in different fantasies.

Smoking addiction

Initially for false pressure, a smoker smokes but when he continues his habit of smoking, which he does this out of his habit for having nicotine. He cannot work properly until and unless he gets a dose of nicotine. He gets addicted to the deadly drug.

Need to understand

Try to distinguish between feelings when you were craving for the puff and when you have finished with your cigarette. The come up distinctions will make you understand your position that later will help you to quit smoking.


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