Mixing Chantix And Alcohol: What You Need To Know

Chantix or Varenicline is a drug made by Pfizer marketed primarily for smoking cessation. The drug is seen to have a high success rate in combating nicotine dependence. However, rising concerns on its safety is also being raised by many users. The main cause of concern is the hallucinatory effect that it has. This effect is believed to be abnormally heightened when alcohol is also added to the mix. When people in Chantix treatment also drink high volumes of alcohol this is believed to cause behavioral changes that can sometimes turn to violence and uncontrolled aggression. It is very important to note that there are no published clinical trials to be sure of this dangerous association. This claim cannot be refuted nor proven beyond reasonable doubt. Although there are studies done, the findings are yet to be made public. However you can still purchase chantix online and it’s highly effective for smoking cessation.
Chantix works by blocking nicotine receptors in the brain. When this is done dopamine is also stopped from being released which is the main substance that is responsible for making smoking pleasurable. Overtime the smoker feels lesser urge to light up and eventually kicks the habit in as short as 12 weeks. The deal is sound and some side effects can be managed – considered to be a small price to pay to quit smoking forever.
There are serious side effects that must be taken into consideration too. Depression and other mental issues can be exacerbated by this drug. It is important that a person who has a history of mental illness consult his doctor first before pursuing Chantix treatment. Severe allergic reactions can also be traced back to Chantix use. This can sometimes be fatal. It is important that the person suffering from these reactions stop taking the drug immediately. Although many say that these allergic reactions are brought in by taking in alcohol while using Chantix, there is no solid evidence on this claim.
The negative reaction of Chantix and alcohol when taken together is until now a floating issue. Most of these claims are confined in the high risk of suicide, severe confusion and hallucination. The death of Carter Albrecht, a popular musician from Texas is one of the most publicized claims of the infamous mix of champix tablets and alcohol. Albrecht was under Chantix treatment for a week when he had too much drink and became very hostile. He was gunned down by his panicking neighbor whose house he trespassed. There are some reviews online that have claimed the same effects but there is no way to prove these as of the moment.


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