NHS Stop Smoking Campaign

There are a lot of campaigns that aim to prevent those who are not yet smoking from smoking and stop those who already are. This is a tough challenge that organizations that support this cause will be facing. It seems very hard for smokers to quit from smoking especially when they have been practically living with it, or is greatly dependent on it already.
The NHS or the National Health Service has made a way to stop people from smoking. Contrary to what most organizations do, they do not scare smokers. The NHS stop smoking campaign basically aims to stop smokers from smoking by showing them the benefits instead of the negative things. This is approach might just be the most effective way since people respond more to rewards.
In line with this, the NHS stop smoking campaign has created an information dissemination activity that would contain facts about what benefits one would get from quitting. These lists of benefits are classified into two categories, the health benefits and the lifestyle benefits.
Under the health benefits, number one is always being much healthier. You become less prone to sickness and chances of getting smoking related illnesses decrease. This is not only beneficial to you but to the people around you as well. It is a common knowledge that passive smokers are also in great risk, which means that when you quit smoking, you do not only make yourself healthy but the people around you as well. There are a lot more health benefits mentioned in the NHS stop smoking campaign benefits, but the most alluring one is the fact that you could taste your food better. This is one disadvantage of smoking that is really annoying. You do not get to appreciate the foods you normally like.
The next part is the lifestyle benefits of the NHS stop smoking campaign list. Under this are those benefits that might lure you to quit if you are not a health conscious type of person. Once someone quits smoking, you become generally thinner. If you are a heavy smoker, chances are you become fat, so losing some pounds might be good. Aside from that, you will generally look better. Your teeth and skin are usually the ones who become ugly when you smoke, quitting will mean they will regain their natural beauty. Another is the fact that once you quit, you save more money. Cigarettes might not cost that much, but treating the illnesses you experience do. And besides, even if the cigarettes aren’t costly, even that little money saved everyday is already a large amount in total. There are still a lot more benefits from quitting. So think about it, you have nothing to lose but so much to gain.


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