Quit Smoking Tobacco – Hurdles in Quitting

Smoking costs the United States over $167 billion each year in health-care costs including $92 billion in mortality-related productivity loses and $75.5 billion in excess medical expenditures.
We all are aware of solution to quit smoking and to lose weight and also about good eating habits, exercise .Yet we cannot help ourselves although we desire it.
There are many smokers who control themselves from smoking but cannot completely quit the habit. The reason behind all these factors is bad temptations.
To keep themselves away from smoking, smokers do every possible thing but there is something, which acts like a magnetic force and held them back like two opposites continuously attracting each other.

Why it is Hard to Quit Smoking

Can we name out some people who are truly happy and serious about their work? Unfortunately quantity of such peoples is very less. We live in an atmosphere made of our own where we do not feel need to deal with the most important matters.
It consists of special things, which contribute a lot to divert us from our aims. We often forget about our aim, which once we had supported in childhood like becoming a doctor or an artist.
This forgetting results in frustrated, unhappy, and unsuccessful individuals. Without knowing their problem, they boil their inner self. At the same time what will advertisers do? They take benefits of these fears and fulfill their interests by selling us deceptive joy.

Top 10 Reasons for Smoking Tobacco

Smoking tobacco can’t be all bad, or else no one would do it! In fact, it often feels very enjoyable. Everything from the taste to the mood it puts you in has very positive effects. (Benefits of Quitting Smoking)
There may even be a time of day when you enjoy smoking the most. Maybe it’s after dinner or while you are sipping a cocktail. What is your favorite cigarette of the day? What do you like most about it?
After researching thousands of people who enjoy using tobacco, here are our top 10 reasons to smoke based on what they told us. Smoking…
  1. Helps you cope with stressful situations.
  2. Interrupts your day with enjoyable breaks.
  3. Helps you relax and unwind at the end of the day.
  4. Stops you from feeling bored or lonely.
  5. Alleviates anxiety and depression.
  6. Helps you feel comfortable in social situations.
  7. Makes it easier to focus and concentrate.
  8. Prevents nicotine withdrawal symptoms.
  9. Helps keep your weight down.
  10. Allows you to create a purposeful pause in any conversation.

Our Actual Necessities

We are either afraid to fulfill our actual needs or we detach ourselves from it to such an extent that we will never remember them again. One easy way, which we opt, is that we make bad habits as our companion as incase of smokers for escaping the troubles.
If they have some family quarrel then smokers will take up smoking not because of the lure for nicotine but due to their inability of resolving the trouble. When we come face to face with our troubles, we feel troubles want us to pay attention.
The surprising fact is that we will feel the need of smoking because we know our ‘void’, if we really want to give attention to them then only. We can solve our trouble by taking following easy steps:
  • Meditation is great and will surely help.
  • One should go for a walk by himself listening to his inner self.
  • Try to listen to your inner voice.
  • We must check ourselves where we are avoiding our troubles and what we need immediately.
  • Method of figuring out is different for everyone’s but we should try to work on it and not to give it.


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