Smoking Cigarettes – Physical Addiction

A smoker will give thousands of reasons smoking cigarettes, whenever you talk with a smoker and advise him/her to quit smoking cigarettes. For example, they consider smoking cigarettes as a thing that helps in de-stressing from anxiety.
On the other hand, it is impossible for smokers to resist the temptation of smoking cigarettes. They had included smoking cigarettes in their daily routine. They are completely addicted to it.


The substance of addiction is addiction. Experts consider nicotine as the most addictive substance. In spite of this, they are unable to prove that nicotine can lead to physical addiction. Nicotine does not lead to high physical addiction.

Other Addictive Substances

There are certain substances such as Heroin, Cocaine that are highly addictive. When addicts do not get the doses of Heroin and Cocaine, they becomes out of control. They are unable to manage themselves without the intake of these substances.

Smoking Cigarettes Is Not a Physical Addiction

On the other hand, nothing happens happen as in case of Heroin Or Cocaine, if a smoker quits smoking cigarettes. Their bodies are in complete control. Several of smokers quit smoking cigarettes daily but they never experience any physical problems.  

Even chain smokers never smoke by waking up at night, as like in case of a Heroin or Cocaine addict often wakes up at night to have it. They are able to sleep only after having it.
A smoker can simply spend a couple of hours while watching a movie in a theater, without having a cigarette. This shows clearly that smoking cigarettes is not at all a physical addiction. But, there are smokers who claim that they cannot sit for such long hours without cigarette. Thus, we can only say ‘Exceptions are always there’.
Now, one can easily conclude that smoking cigarettes is simply not addictive. You cannot live without it for long hours, if it leads to certain addiction. Like in several flights, smoking cigarettes is prohibited or in various public places, you cannot smoke.
You are making yourself fool by assuring yourself that smoking cigarettes is an addiction. Thus, you are unable to quit it. You are inviting several dreadful diseases by smoking cigarettes. Smoking cigarettes can only harm you, whether physically or financially.
The ever-growing Tobacco companies are the one, gaining from your smoking cigarettes. They are only making you fool by selling this poison to you. Along with these companies, you are also making a fool of yourself.
Smokers already declare that they could not live without smoking cigarettes, before quitting smoking cigarettes. Now whenever you decide to quit then remind yourself only one thing. That quitting smoking cigarettes will not lead to any physical problems and it is not a physical addiction.


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