Smoking Facts

Smoking-related diseases claim an estimated 438,000 American lives each year, including those affected indirectly, such as babies born prematurely due to prenatal maternal smoking and victims of “secondhand” exposure to tobacco’s carcinogens.

Smoking Statistics

A growing number of studies have linked smoking with poor mental health. Several of these have shown that patients with major depression are more likely to smoke than are members of the general population. These studies also reveal the influence of major depression on smoking cessation. (Smoking and Depression)
A St. Louis survey, carried out in early 1980, contains information on both psychiatric diagnosis and smoking for more than 3,000 individuals. The survey confirms that major depression is more common among smokers than among nonsmokers (6.6 percent versus 2.9 percent) and that smokers with a lifetime history of major depression are less likely to succeed in quitting smoking than are smokers without such a history (14 percent versus 28 percent).
The data also show that individuals with a lifetime history of depression are more likely to have smoked at any time in their lives (76 percent) than are those without such a history (52 percent).
Nicotine dependence is particularly prevalent among alcohol and drug abusers. In fact, more than 80 percent of alcoholics are smokers, as are more than 50 percent of psychiatric patients.

IF you smoke:

  • You will be twelve times more likely to die from lung cancer (Smoking and Lung Cancer).
  • You will be ten times more likely to die from some form of lung disease.
  • You will be ten times more likely to die from cancer of the larynx.
  • You will be six times more likely to die of heart disease (Smoking and Heart Disease).
  • You will be twice as likely to die of a stroke.

Effects of Smoking

The dangerous effects of smoking can be often read in newspaper, serious warnings from health ministry, etc. For instance, smokers have very less life expectancy when compared to non-smokers. Instead of these warnings, there is a considerable increment in the number of smokers.
A recent survey has shown that in Nigeria there is increment in cigarette production, their sale and the number of smokers. Along with it, there is also an increment in the death rate due to smoking.

Passive Smoking

A survey revealed that there is a growth in the number of death of passive smokers. In a year, in UK more than 11,000 people died due to passive smoking. You can conclude, if this is the data of passive smoker then what about the smokers.
Health experts and Doctors are demanding for complete ban of smoking in public areas. They are demanding certain rules and regulations for their protection due to growing death rate of passive smokers (Secondhand Smoke).
There are several causes of death such as household structure, passive smoking, unemployment, and active smoking. Researches done over the causes of death, revealed that the main cause of death is smoking.


Tobacco is useful in several medicinal purposes, but unfortunately the negative use has created more wrong than positive use. We human beings are responsible in converting the blessings of God into a Curse.
Tobacco, which is one of the main ingredients of smoking, is already causing a lot of damage. But, still its manufacturers are gaining huge amounts of profits from its farming. Tobacco is nothing but death of our loved ones; still we love to have it.
We are spending a lot of money in buying this poison. It is clearly written that ‘Cigarette smoking is injurious to health’ over the cigarette pack. But still we go for this poison and the cigarette manufacturers are making huge profits form our death.
We should quit smoking, as cigarette smoking is dangerous and harmful for health, it leads to heart diseases, lung cancer and other diseases. A few important steps are also needed from the side of the government. Government should ban all the products related to addiction such as Indian hemp, heroin, cocaine etc.
Moreover, to quit smoking, we need a powerful determination. Based on a few misunderstanding, we should not make a fool of ourselves that we cannot quit smoking. Make your mind clear from all disbeliefs and determine to quit smoking.



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