Stop Smoking Aids: Your Options for Quitting

There are a variety of smoking cessation methods. While there are some who can quit cold turkey, there are also other smokers who need a little bit of help. These methods and medications are basically developed to help ease the quitting process. Although most of these stop smoking aids provide favorable results when subjected to research and clinical trials, they do not guarantee a 100% success rate. Listed below are some smoking cessation methods you can explore.
Nicotine replacement therapy also called as NRT is a stop smoking aid which replaces the nicotine you inhale from your cigarette with nicotine from some other source. These help ease the physical symptoms of nicotine withdrawal by giving you a measured dose of nicotine. It can be in the form of a nicotine gum, lozenges, nicotine patch, and nicotine nasal spray. The gum is popular among smokers since if you feel like smoking, instead of lighting a cigarette, you need only chew it and nicotine is released in body. Before taking the nicotine gum, you first have to consult your doctor especially if you have other medical conditions to worry about. The lozenges are small pieces of candy which contain nicotine. The patch, like the gum, is also popular and typically placed somewhere on your upper torso, from the neck to the waist and discharges small amounts of nicotine to your body. You don’t have to worry about them being exposed since they can be transparent or the color of your skin. But most users place it underneath their clothes. The spray is a prescription medicine which contains a nicotine solution that you spray in your nose to help reduce your cravings to smoke. Although NRTs are quite popular, there is a possibility that you will be addicted again since the products still have nicotine as its main ingredient.
There are also stop smoking pills, injections, and laser therapy. The pills are prescription medication which are taken orally to help you quit smoking. Injections vaccinate you from being addicted to nicotine by blocking the nicotine receptors in your brain letting you absolutely forget about cigarettes. Laser therapy targets certain points in your body, similar to acupuncture, and stimulates them with lasers. They help reduce your cravings to smoke as well as the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal.

If you prefer a more natural way, you can choose from herbal products, acupuncture, and hypnotherapy. Herbal products are available either as pills, drops, tea, even cigarettes. Acupuncture has also grown popularity as a natural stop smoking aid since it doesn’t need any form of medication. And hypnotherapy lets you have concentrated relaxation, letting you focus on the positive side of quitting. It helps you relax and reduces stress which is among the reasons why people smoke.
Quitting is not easy which is why stop smoking aids are here to help. Before you decide on which smoking cessation method you will use, consult your doctor. And as always, relying on these methods alone will not guarantee that you will succeed. Instead, you have to be committed and dedicated and make the right decision everyday.


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