Stop Smoking Help for Your Loved Ones

Secondhand smoke, involuntarily inhaled by nonsmokers from other people’s, responsible for approximately 3,000 lung cancer deaths annually in U.S. nonsmokers.
Seeing your loved one addicted smoking is hard. Many people have tried helping someone close to them stop smoking. Some of them succeed and few wont. If the smoker doesn’t want to stop smoking, don’t nag at him to doing so.
Nagging at the person to stop smoking or making him feel guilty of smoking would only add stress and anxiety to the person. In turn this would lead your loved one to light another cigarette or worse an entire pack just to relieve the negative feeling.

Stop Smoking Help

Talk to Them

Talk to them about their smoking habit, but be sure not to obviously point out their smoking habit. Try telling them the dangers of smoking. Discuss with him the possible diseases, which would be caused due to smoking.
Also tell them about the benefits of stop smoking. If your husband is a smoker, tell him that you want to live with him life long and don’t want to lose him just because of the illness he might possibly suffer from smoking.
Tell someone not to smoke in a polite manner. Never point out to a person that he is not to smoke anywhere.
Congratulate, if someone you know tells you that he wants to stop smoking. Having someone tell you that he wants to stop smoking is a sign of courage. It takes courage to will oneself to stop smoking.

Withdrawal Syndrome

Quitting is hard in the first week. Smokers also suffer from withdrawal syndrome. Instead of nagging at him, you need to understand their state of mind because he is always irritated, give him time to relax. Anxiety is normal for someone who stops smoking. (Stop Smoking Withdrawal Symptoms)
Encourage them to continue what they started. If someone you knew is on the process of quitting, help them keep going. Someone who just quit often feels a feeling of loss.
Help them fight the feeling by offering substitutes to smoking such as engage them to a new hobby. Having something that will occupy their time will help them feel whole again.
Get involved with the decision of the person to quit smoking. Don’t give your husband a blank look, if he tells you that he wants to stop. Give him a hug and tell him that you’d support him every step of the way.
Guide him into the quitting process. There are stop smoking support groups available for those who wanted to stop smoking as well as for the people who’s helping their loved ones to stop smoking.


Any one cannot stop smoking overnight. It would take some time to stop smoking completely. Lapses can occur. It only takes a single event for someone to have him lighting another stick or worse, an entire pack.
If this happens never fall in to the mistake of raging at the person about not keeping his word. Instead, have a quiet talk with the person. Remind him about the commitment he has got himself into.
Tell him that you can understand his situation and that he still craves for a cigarette but also remind him that he has promised to stop smoking. Encourage him to continue what he has started.


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