Stop Smoking Product – Nicorette

Price:  $93.99
Type:  Gum
Effectiveness:  Effective (4/5)
Longevity:  Lasting (4/5)
Safety:  Safe (4/5)
Results Seen In:  6-8 weeks
Customer Satisfaction:  Very satisfied (4.5/5)
Ingredients:  Nicotine (active)
Guarantee:  90-day, 100% money back

Overall Rating: 4stars


Nicorette gum was one of the first commercially available products designed to help people quit smoking.  And although it’s not our top choice, it still is a very good quit smoking aid.
Nicorette works by introducing nicotine into the body through gum.  As time passes, less and less gum is supposed to be used until the nicotine addiction is broken.  We like transdermal (patch) delivery a little better than gum, but it is still an effective product.
We feel Nicorette gum is best used as an emergency nicotine source.  Should you feel the urge during quitting, it would be better to take a piece of Nicorette gum than smoking a cigarette.
To buy Nicocure 1800Patches!


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