Teenage Smoking

Teenage Smoking is one of the most talked about social problems today. It starts off as an adventure and burns out the lives of so many youngsters. Research says that more than three quarters of adult smokers tried their first puff as teenagers.
Teenage is a phase of stress and turmoil. It is a time to explore into one’s own identity.
It has been scientifically proven that the teenage mind is different from the adult mind. The centre of emotion in the brain, the ‘limbic system’, is highly developed in adolescence, but the tool to control it is not. As a result of which teenagers are more prone to nervous breakdowns and impulsive behaviour. Teenage Smoking thus acts as an outlet to vent these emotions and depressions.
Some start off for the thrill of it, emulating their seniors at school or even their parents. The ones who smoke are mostly the ones who do not perform well at school and thus are isolated by the others. So smoking helps in pulling up their self esteem, it makes them feel more important. It sometimes becomes a style statement or even a power statement. School bullies and the ‘tough’ guys top the list of teenage smokers.
Tobacco use ranks first in the list of causes of preventable deaths. It is almost needless to mention the harmful effects of Nicotine that tobacco contains. It alters the biological system in such a way that a certain minimum level of nicotine becomes necessary to maintain an emotional and psychological balance. It is also proven beyond doubt that smokers are highly vulnerable to diseases like cancer, respiratory problems and even reproductive problems.
A little care taken at home and school can be very effective in reducing teenage smoking. Emotionally supporting them and making them feel needed is the first step. Making them understand the harmful effects of smoking on their bodies should be the next. Sometimes the very feeling of triumph they derive from going against their parent’s wishes can itself be addictive. Giving them that little attention they crave for might save them from puffing all their lives.
The governments are also working towards solving this issue that is of great social concern. Owing to this, cigarettes have become more expensive. This has also reduced the number of young puffers. The society has opened its eyes to this problem and many organizations have come forward to help. Many camps and talks have also been organized to make teenagers and their parents more aware of the situation.
It is however heartening to see that there are many teenagers who are participating in anti-smoking campaigns. The idea that teenage smoking is ‘cool’ has started withering away in the minds of these young ones. This is in fact a positive sign. The argument that teenage smoking is mostly induced by peer pressure is starting to become baseless. Many youngsters are taking an effort to talk to their friends and siblings to help them out of this addiction.


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