When Not to Take Stop Smoking Pills

There are a lot of stop smoking aids that are available in the market. In fact there are so many of them that it is very confusing on which one you would try on. Because people respond differently to a stop smoking aid, this will be a lone decision he or she has to make for him or herself. But if you want to be sure or more or less be accurate on choosing, you could ask the help of your doctor. Surely your doctor will know which ones will not be effective for you and which ones will be. If the doctor tell you that you should try the stop smoking pill, or if you have not asked your doctor yet, but you feel that the stop smoking pill is the one that will help you most, then here are a few things you have to always remember before you take them.
In order to buy a stop smoking pill, you need to have a doctor’s prescription so you there won’t be any problem if you regularly check with your doctor and are totally honest on what you are feeling. Your doctor won’t recommend you to use such if he or she knows that it might cause your health to be jeopardized. But if you do not fully trust your doctor’s judgment or you feel that there are a lot of things that you have not disclosed to your doctor and he or she recommended the pill, the be cautious and make sure you are not under any circumstance that follows.
If you are pregnant then you should not even consider taking in stop smoking pills because it will be affecting your pregnancy. If you have problem quitting smoking, you will have to find other alternatives that will not put your health or the baby in your womb to harm. Recommended alternatives will most likely be one that does not involve taking in any chemical in your body, probably meditation or physical activities that will at the same time help you in your pregnancy.
Another case where stop smoking pill should not be used is when the person has formerly had eating disorders like anorexia nervosa or bulimia. If you are also currently taking in the anti depressant called Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors or simply MOI’s then you should not take in stop smoking pills. This medication is normally for people who are experiencing depression.
If you are also under any medication which already contains bupropion hydrochloride which is an ingredient common to all stop smoking pills, then you should not take another stop smoking pill. Lastly if you have a seizure disorder like epilepsy, you should also not take in this pill.


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