Nicotine Gum

Smoking costs the United States over $167 billion each year in health-care costs including $92 billion in mortality-related productivity loses and $75.5 billion in excess medical expenditures.

  • Don’t smoke once you start using the gum.

  • Chew each piece slowly, making it last for about 30 minutes.  If you slip the piece between your cheek and gum, the nicotine will be absorbed easier.

  • Chew enough gum to handle the cravings, but don’t go nuts.  Ten to 15 pieces a day should be enough. Never use more than 30 pieces in a day.

  • Use the gum each day for about a month.  Then start tapering off slowly.  Chew it only when you feel a craving.

  • Quit chewing the gum altogether after about three months.You can use the 2-milligram gum each time you feel the urge to smoke, or on a schedule such as every hour if you are not a particularly heavy smoker.

  • When to Use Nicotine Gum

    1. Chew a piece each time you feel the urge to smoke.
    2. Wait at least fifteen minutes after drinking coffee, tea, milk, fruit juices, or cola beverages before using the gum. The acid in the drinks reduces the effectiveness of the gum.
    3. If the taste of the gum is not offensive first thing in the morning, you can start chewing right after waking, including first thing in the morning on quit day.

    How to Use Nicotine Gum

    1. Chew the nicotine gum very slowly until you taste it. Chew just once or twice and wait a moment to see if the taste becomes evident. If not, chew again.
    2. When the taste appears, place the nicotine gum between your cheek and your gum line.
    3. After the flavor disappears, take a chew or two until you taste it again, and put the gum back in your cheek. This should occur every minute or two.
    4. Chew each piece of gum for not less than twenty and up to thirty minutes, then throw it away. Do not drink any liquids while the nicotine gum is in your mouth.

    How Much Nicotine Gum to Use

    1. Use ten to thirty pieces of gum each day.
    2. Do not use more than thirty pieces a day.
    3. As the urge to smoke eases, gradually reduce the number of pieces used each day.


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