Quit Smoking and Have an Healthy Heart

The average smoker (30 cigarettes per day) has 4 to 6 times the chance of having heart disease if he’s in the 45-54 year age group.
Cigarette smoking has been mostly associated with breathing problems and lung cancer. However, smoking is also a major cause of heart disease. The link between smoking and heart disease, accounts to about 20% of all deaths from heart disease in the U.S. and most parts of the world which is directly attributed to smoking.


Coronary Artery Disease

Smoking and heart disease of the coronary arteries in the heart called coronary artery disease, has been known to be the major result of smoking. This disease occurs when the normal lining of the arteries deteriorates, and the walls of the arteries thicken where deposits of fat and plaque block the flow of blood through the arteries.
The number of cigarettes a person smokes and the longer they smoke, greatly increases the person’s risk of heart attack. People smoking a pack of cigarette a day, have more than twice the risk of heart attack than non-smokers.
In the same manner that women who take birth control pills and smokes, significantly increases their risk of heart attack, peripheral vascular disease, and stroke.

Secondhand Smoke

People smoking and heart disease risks do not only affect smokers, but cigarette smoke supplied by smokers also affects the people around them, giving them the same risk of developing health problems, particularly in children.
Secondhand smoke or passive smoking has an effect on people who are frequently around smokers, and can cause cancer, chronic respiratory conditions, and heart disease. An estimate of about 35000 non-smokers dies each year from passive smoking and heart disease.
The connection between smoking and heart disease increased risk is based on the multiple poisons that cigarettes have, including nicotine, hydrogen cyanide, “tars”, and carbon monoxide.
The nicotine present in smoke causes decreased oxygen to the heart, increase in blood clotting, damage to cells that line the coronary arteries and other blood vessels, and increased blood pressure and heart rate.
Smoking and heart disease injurious effects to your health, is a good enough reason to quit smoking. Saying goodbye to those cigarette sticks will result to having a prolonged life, reduce risk of diseases including heart disease, healthier body with lessened coughing and fewer sore throats plus increased stamina, you’ll look better as face wrinkles will be prevented and stained teeth rid of, improve your sense of taste and smell, and of course save money.
Quitting may not be as easy as one-two-three, and there’s no one way that works for everybody. Being ready both mentally and emotionally is one big factor in quitting, determination of quitting should be focused on the benefits it will give you and your body and not just to please friends or family. Planning ahead helps and discipline is the key.
When you quit smoking, you say goodbye to an unhealthy lifestyle as well as eliminating the harmful effects of smoking and heart disease.

Tips To Minimize the Risk of Heart Attack

Follow the following steps to minimize the risk of heart attack:
  1. The essential step to save yourself from the risk of heart attack is to quit smoking. Smoking contains nicotine, which fills laziness in us and makes us addicted to cigarette. By continuing smoking we are cutting our lifespan. Quitting smoking will help us to take exercise regimen. You can start with slow walking, deep breathing as well as cycling. Progressively you will get into habit of a proper exercising schedule.
  2. Take balanced diet, full of green leafy vegetables and pulses and drink 8 to 10 glasses of water everyday.
  3. Avoid spicy food. Carbohydrates, fats and blood pressure can be controlled by eating healthy diet.
  4. In drinks try to avoid red wine, alcohol. These are detrimental to our health.
  5. Try to associate yourself more with the good habits that determine quality of life and improve lifestyle. Do not take the initiative fast. Slowly try to abstain yourself from bad habits. Healthy habits bring ecstasy, health and make life a pleasant experience.
  6. Take out time to relax and do proper exercises. Cardiovascular exercise is must for people who have already experienced heart attack. Exercise not only reduces the risk of heart attack, it also relives us of tiresome schedule by making us stress free.
  7. Discover your own ways to enjoy yourself. Laugh whole heartedly. Laughter is an abundantly available medicine that increases the life span and moreover it is natural, free and does not have any side effect so why not to get it?
  8. Be optimist. Never give yourself to despair. Ensure that living unhealthy and unhealthy thinking is one of the main causes of the heart disease. After nurturing positive hopes we will start feeling good about ourselves as well as relieved. You will find yourself on top of the world. Feel yourself enjoying everything.
  9. Avoid eating fried and junk snacks and also the food that contains saturated fats. This food stuff increases the cholesterol level in blood. Higher cholesterol is again a symptom of heart attack.
  10. Every one has room for temptations. One must learn to control temptations and longings for bad habits. If once we learn the art of controlling cravings then we will surely ensure our healthy stay


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