Quit Smoking Motivation Tips

He who cannot change the very fabric of his thought will never be able to change reality.
~Anwar Sadat~
Does quit smoking was one of your New Years Resolutions? What motivates you to quit smoking? Nagging by your spouse is rarely a motivation to quit smoking. It takes a lot of resolve to stop smoking habit and it isn’t easy.
You not only miss the effects of the nicotine, but the habit is there and if you’ve smoked for a long time, it’s well fixed in both body and mind. No matter why you have decided to quit smoking, you will probably need help.

Quit Smoking Products

Several products on the market can help you kick the habit. You can pick up at most any drugstore patches, gum, and mints. You may substitute hard candy when the desire to smoke hits you.

If you’re worried about weight gain, try sugarless candy or fresh veggies. It’s important to fill your hands and mouth with something to help you not reach for that cigarette.


Motivation is significant if you want to quit smoking. Your motivation might be a new baby in the home, being pregnant and wanting a healthy baby, early signs of lung cancer (Smoking and Lung Cancer), or the onset of heart disease are all good physical motivational reasons. Maybe you just don’t want to smell like an old ashtray all the time.
Better yet, maybe your significant other is complaining about kissing that ashtray! What ever your motivation is, it’s a great goal and it can be obtained. Below you will find some motivational hints to keep you going and help you with your new quit smoking resolution.
  • Get involved with other people that want to quit smoking. Answer to someone, even if you have to find a quit smoking support group on the Internet. There are forums and discussion boards that help smokers quit. When you are answering to someone, you are more likely to be choosier about making that one slip. Being accountable to someone is one of the best motivational factors for any difficult task you have.
  • Talk about quitting with someone. This also helps to hold you accountable. If you are slowing down in preparation to quitting smoking, you can write down how many you have had that day, and try to reduce it by one or two the next day. If you’ve told someone you’re quitting, that makes it more likely you will succeed. After all, you don’t want to look bad in front of family and friends. Make a chart of your progress and set small goals. If you currently smoke two packs a day, limit yourself to a packet and a half for the next day. If you can’t do that, try just cutting back two cigarettes a day. Keep going and keep track. When you get discouraged, you can look at your chart of progress and see how far you’ve come and how much closer you are toward your goal.
  • Give yourself a reward when you’ve reached a goal. Rewards work for teachers, parents, and employers and they can work for you. If you make a goal to go from two packs a day, and you reach one pack, give yourself a treat. Go out for an evening, buy yourself a new outfit, or calculate how much money you’ve saved and get that software you’ve been wanting for your computer
  • Keep yourself busy and take time to have fun. If you’ve slowed down or already quit no doubt you’re feeling better. Take the time to do something you’ve wanted to do for a while. Maybe it’s attending a ball game, or taking your kids on a trip to the zoo, or maybe it could be an overnight get-away with your significant other. Keeping busy and active will also help by not allowing your mind and body to dwell on the fact you’re quitting smoking.
If you have been toying with the idea of stop smoking habit, now’s the time to start. Look at the above five motivational tips and just like the Nike ad, “Just Do It!” Here are the five again motivational tips once again. Get a support group, set small goals, keep a chart of your progress, reward yourself, and finally yet importantly, have fun.


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