Smoking and Gum Disease

About 8.6 million people in the U.S. have at least one serious illness caused by smoking.
Smoking relates to all sorts of illnesses and smokers gum disease is just one of them. Lots and lots of opinions have come out regarding the connection of smoking and gum disease. The nicotine and smoke of tobacco can cause constriction of the blood vessels, thus, reducing the distribution of oxygen and nutrients to the gum tissue.
Cigarette smoking or chewing spit tobacco can also reduce the ability of the body to fight infections. Another study also proves that smokers are more prone to specific bacteria that can cause more aggressive gum disease.
When it comes to dental health, smoking is one of the major causes of serious oral problems such as mouth cancer as well as smokers gum disease.  Smokers gum disease is the infection of the gums, which is aggravated by smoking.
The condition of smokers gum disease is often worse than in those who do not smoke. While gum disease will affect almost everyone at some point in life, smokers are over five times at risk of acquiring gum disease or periodontal disease than non-smokers.
Smoking causes a very high tendency of tartar formation, gum tissue destruction and bone loss. Even a person not suffering from gum disease can have receding gums and lose the teeth’s supporting bones because of smoking.
The toxins and chemical in tobacco weakens a person’s immune system and blocks the production of antibodies, which is our body’s natural defense against bacteria and other disease-causing agents. When the immune system is not functioning well, it is easy for infection to grow. Smokers gum disease, an infection caused by bacteria in plaque, is a likely example.

Researches On The Connection Between Smoking And Gum Diseases

The impact of all the research is that smokers have the highest possibility to have gum disease.
Former smokers and non smokers also have better response to treatment of gum disease than those individuals who still smoke, thereby concluding that, people with gum disease that stopped smoking have better chance of achieving success with gum disease therapy than those who did not.
People who are currently active in smoking are four times more apt to have gum disease. Researchers say that the connection that connect smoking and gum disease is very much apparent. Recent studies shows that 55% of the study subject that has gum diseases were current smokers and almost 22% were ex smokers.
The current smokers that average more than one to one and a half pack of cigarettes per day have six times more apt to have gum diseases than the subjects who do not smoke. And those who consume less than a pack a day have three times more probability to have gum disease.
The connection between smoking and gum disease is caused by the suppression of the immune system of the body because of the tobacco, which decreases its ability against infection. Smoking also slows down the healing procedure of the gum tissue because it restricts the growth of the blood vessels.
 Currents smoker are known to have worse oral and gum condition than those who do not smoke. Quitting smoking and exercising regular oral hygiene routine is very important for the well being of your gums.
You don’t only save the physical condition of your teeth and gums; you also save your health. It is time that you throw away that vice and have a clean and healthy lifestyle.

Symptoms Of Gum Diseases Concealed By Smoking

Smoking may sometimes conceal a few of symptoms of gum disease. Check the condition of your gums carefully. Is the color of gums red instead of pink? Are your gums inflamed or tender? Does it bleed easily during or even after tooth brushing?
Have your gums pulled away from the teeth forming pockets? Are your gums receding making your teeth appear longer? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are showing symptoms of gum disease.
Other symptoms and warning signs of this condition are loosening of teeth, changes in your bite, a stubborn case of bad breath (Bad Breath and Smoking) or bad taste in the mouth as well as secretion of pus around gums.

Quit Smoking Is The Only Way To Prevent

The best way to prevent or reverse smokers gum disease is to quit smoking. While gum health depends greatly on a person’s dental hygiene and routine dental checkups, prevention and effective treatment of gum disease should include a smoke-free lifestyle.
Quitting smoking is important to allow the body to respond completely any dental treatment and restore the health of your gums. Smoking is an addiction and quitting is a challenge but one that is well worth the benefits.
Consult your dentist San Diego for your teeth and mouth problems


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