Smoking Cigarettes – Harmful Effects

About 8.6 million people in the U.S. have at least one serious illness caused by smoking.
That means that for every person who dies of a smoking-related disease, there are 20 more people who suffer from at least one serious illness associated with smoking.

Harmful Effects of Smoking Cigarettes

Smokers are generally very eager as well as concerned to quit smoking cigarettes. Smoking cigarettes has leaded them at the doorsill of many diseases like heart attacks, cancers, emphysema.
Most of the smokers know that smoking cigarettes is rotting their body from inside and slowly have started destroying their physical charm. Still smoking cigarettes is their buddy and still an existing problem. We need to search for the reason of its existence.

Reasons for a Smoker to Continue Smoking Cigarettes

Correlate Several Activities with Smoking Cigarettes

Many smokers correlate several activities with their smoking cigarettes. The lure of continuing those activities influences them to continue smoking cigarettes as well. These activities include their daily routine.

Significance of Life Is Lost

For them, being a non-smoker means that life has lost its significance. Smokers also think that he has to come across painful symptoms while working for quitting smoking cigarettes. These reasons keep a smoker away from taking up of good habits. They can die for smoking cigarettes but are afraid to quit it.
Life will certainly lose its significance without smoking, if every one of us starts following thinking of the above-sited smokers. Bit the fact is that they all are living under misconceptions.
They will live a better life after quitting smoking cigarettes than living with smoking cigarettes. Pleasure that a smoker gets after the puffs is a deceiving pleasure and just the effect of nicotine that blocks our thinking power. Convincing smokers about this sometimes become next to not possible. These pleasures work as a stopper for smokers.

Withdrawal Symptoms

When smokers stop smoking cigarettes, they feel slight headache, depressed that arouses a need for a cigarette in them and they go for it. They also feel like to have a cigarette or two to relax his nerves, when he feels depressed.
Therefore smokers begin to expand his friendship with this deadly drug. But these are the symptoms that are taking them to their damage.
Smoker can quit smoking cigarettes, if he or she starts giving some space for the realities. Smoker himself will be surprised to see the changes. He will feel taking up the things more efficiently than before.
Morning will bring a different freshness for him. Feeling of panic reactions under the stress that were the outcome of the lower level of the nicotine will not be scaring him anymore.
And slowly he will see the true face of smoking that once was his best buddy. Any ex smoker can experience his growing strength, increased energy level than before when he was a smoker.
Even his fear of withdrawal symptoms of smoking cigarettes will not last for many days. They would peak within three days and will completely lose their existence in all more two weeks. He will experience a simpler, happier, cleaner and above all a healthy life ahead of him.


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