Why Stop Smoking: Reasons to Quit and Sticking to it

Smokers started smoking for many different reasons. In the same way, those who wish to quit smoking want to do so for many reasons as well. Some may decide to quit because they are planning to have a child while others decide to do so because they want to change their lifestyle. There are many other reasons but there are those who simply decide right then and there to quit cold turkey. But why stop smoking? There may be many reasons but the more important thing is, deciding to quit now.
If you’re a smoker, you might get annoyed if people keep telling you that you should stop smoking and give you a long why stop smoking list. But maybe they are just concerned since most nicotine addicts die young and they don’t want you to have the same fate.
So why stop smoking? If you smoke, you’ll end up having different kinds of health problems. You’ll even be a risk to the health of those around you since you expose them to secondhand smoke. This then could result to lung cancer even if the person is a non-smoker. Pregnant women who smoke will also endanger the life of their unborn child. The baby could be born with an abnormally low birth weight and could cause other birth defects. Smoking could also affect the fertility of a person.
You will live healthier, longer as well as experience lifestyle and attitude changes. Quitting smoking will also let you save money instead of using it to buy cigarettes. A person’s overall appearance will also change since you will give out a more positive and fresh vibe. You don’t anymore have to worry about the smell and about frequent coughing or wheezing. You’ll have less health worries and fewer medications. This further results to paying less premiums when it comes to your health insurance, letting you save even more. And when there’s no smoke, there’s no fire which means you’ll be able to lessen the chances of your home being caught on fire.
We can give you a list of reasons and keep adding to this why stop smoking list. But all these will serve no purpose if you will not make the right decision today and that is to stop smoking for your sake and for others as well. It isn’t easy but come to think of it, it is your life, why let nicotine addiction take a hold of it?


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