Effects Of Cigarette Smoking On Opposite Sex

Effects of cigarette smoking – Social Relevance

Effects of cigarette smoking can be seen to a large extent on opposite sex. Select a dinner table or any other gathering and you will discover that the person who lights up a cigarette is looked upon as a leper. One by one his seatmates will look for another table.
It is even more embarrassing when some one frankly leave saying that he is allergic to smoke. At the least, they would look upon you as ugly looking, uncivilized, and ill mannered. Moreover, there are people who used to tell their loved ones that they taste like cigarette, if they smoke cigarettes.

Effects of cigarette smoking on Mouth

So, cigarette smoking is not only a factor on health problem but is also a socially related issue. Studies show that smoking can cause bad breath among women smokers. Yet another effects of cigarette smoking are that it trigger gum problems like gum discoloration and tooth loss.

Effects of cigarette smoking on Appearance

Smoking also lessens the skin’s elasticity, which results in the cellulite accumulation. This, in turn, is such an unsightly appearance in a woman’s skin. Thus, men don’t just get turned off because of women smoking as such but due to the fact that a smoking changes the appearance of woman.
This is same as in case of smoking men. Before, people tend to think that smoking brings out the manly look. But with all the bad effects of cigarette smoking, that assumption has gone the way of buggy whips. Actually smoking does not brings any manly look but instead it losses the manly look.

Effects of cigarette smoking – Men’s Erectile Dysfunction

Studies has revealed that there direct effects of cigarette smoking on men’s erectile dysfunction. Smoking certainly improves the dangers of erectile dysfunction by approximately 50%. This is applicable to men of 30’s and 40’s and represents a huge percentage of men in the U.S.

Effects of cigarette smoking On Teen Smokers

Group researchers in 2001-02 had found out that teen smokers had considerably dropped by 5% when compared to the last survey results in 1996-97. The group tried to find out the reasons for this drop of teen smokers.
The increased price of tobacco and less exposure to cigarettes is the reason for the drop in the teen smokers. Moreover, the researchers tried to propagate campaigns with slogans like “Is this what your kiss tastes like?”
This was used before by the World No-Tobacco Day celebration in the 90s. It simply pointed out the effects of cigarette smoking to the view of the opposite sex to those who smoke.
The main reason for the teen smokers to quit smoking was based on their fear of not being accepted by their opposite sex. This goes to show that they value physical attraction and fear of rejection more than health. This even shows that teen like to date some who is a non-smoker than somebody who smokes and smells really bad.
Thus, when teenagers become aware about the effects of cigarette smoking on their health as well as on their physical appearance, they tend to quit smoking or do not try at all. This shows that advertisements do have impact on smoking habits.
Therefore there will be decline in the number of smokers, if people are less exposed to advertisements. Indeed, smoking can really take away the glamour of one’s personality, and so, it’s just about time to quit smoking and think about how it really makes you stink to the opposite sex.


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