Effects Of Cigarette Smoking

Effecting of Cigarette Smoking On A Mother

God has presented His entire blessing on Mother by providing her the ability to nurture one more life in her body. Only for the sake of a bad habit of smoking, why is that they want to become life snatchers to their child.
As it can prove very dangerous for your unborn, the pregnant women should at once stop smoking. Prior knowing about pregnancy as well as during pregnancy, it is vital to quit smoking habit.
Alcohol consummation and smoking contaminates the baby food due to which the risk of birth defects is more. A little carelessness can result in severe losses. Appropriate care will absolutely help to get rid of worries. A visit to health care is must at this stage.

Effect Of Smoking

Pregnant woman should be aware of the facts connecting to healthy stay of their child. It is like literally giving slowing poison to herself and as well as to her baby, if a pregnant woman continues to smoke during pregnancy.
The harmful effects of cigarette smoking can be seen on unborn fetus resulting in various respiratory defects in child later on in his life stages. The body parts of the baby are attached to his mother parts when baby is in mother’s womb.

Anything which mother eats goes directly in baby’s body. Baby gets less oxygen than he usually would get when a pregnant woman smokes. We all know oxygen is the most vital thing to guarantee survival.
But smoking divests the child of a healthy stay. Less supply of oxygen due to smoking results in uneven growth of the body parts of the baby and also contributes to pre term labor, hence is threatening to his life.

Alcohol Consumption

No physician prescribes to continue habit of consuming alcohol, so a pregnant woman should quit this habit of alcohol consumption. Gifting your baby with a safe life is the responsibility that falls on shoulder of mother.

Consulting a Doctor:

It is essential for you to pay a visit to your health care provider at this stage. Your doctor will design a timetable for you that would be possible and easy to adopt. Following the prescribed timetable you will be able to quit your unhealthy habits like alcohol consumption and smoking guaranteeing a safe life to your child.
There are many helping aids available for expecting mothers which help efficiently at this trying time. These support groups also give work out classes, which lessens your stress. Timely taking up better things will provide your unborn child a safe delivery and a healthy life.


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