Herbal Stop Smoking

The average smoker (30 cigarettes per day) has 4 to 6 times the chance of having heart disease if he’s in the 45-54 year age group.
It is really tough to stop smoking. Nicotine, the colorless substance present in all tobacco products, is an extremely addictive drug, which makes it even difficult for anyone to stop smoking. Now, we’re not saying this to discourage you from trying to quit smoking. Rather, this is merely to give you a realistic view of this habit.
Millions of people have aimed to stop smoking and successfully overcome their tobacco addiction. No doubt that it is a rigorous procedure of discipline and mental training combined with the right diet.
If you have tried to quit smoking before but didn’t succeed, don’t take this as weakness in you. This simply means that the timing wasn’t right, meaning, that you didn’t start with the true desire to quit.
Or it could also be that you didn’t “arm” yourself correctly to meet the challenge and overcome it. Trying to stop smoking is an endeavor that calls for mental and emotional preparation on your part, plan of action, and support resources.

Herbal Stop Smoking Products

The therapeutic uses of herbs go a long way. Since the ancient times, herbs have been used to treat all sorts of discomforts, from anxiety and insomnia to fatigue and headaches. Herbs are classified by reputable botanical authorities as having certain known properties.
  • Herbal alternatives for instance are herbs that generally alter an existing condition in the body. It does this by strengthening or stimulating various systems and eliminating waste from the bloodstream.
  • Herbal carminatives help relieve intestinal gas and indigestion. They are often antispasmodic and can help in bouts of anxiety and mood swings. Carminatives are often used in combination with nerviness and sedatives which are herbs that help suppress or moderate nervous tension and anxiety.
  • Another herbal classification is the cardiovascular tonics. These are the herbs that strengthen the physical integrity of the heart and blood vessels, moderate blood pressure, and increase circulation.

Herbal Stop Smoking Programs

The many properties of herbs have been recognized by some rehabilitation centers and used in many of their herbal stop smoking programs.
  • Phase I of the herbal stop smoking program generally involves the total withdrawal of tobacco from the patient’s system. At this stage, many symptoms will arise, the most obvious of which is anxiety and nervous tension. A blend of carminatives and nerviness may be utilized as support for the patient experiencing these withdrawal symptoms while trying to stop smoking.
  • Phase II of herbal stop smoking programs calls for alternatives, nutritive, and vulnerary. These herbal combinations provide the patient with support when the body starts to rid itself of nicotine and other toxins stored up over the years of tobacco use.


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