Quit Smoking Using Hypnosis – Pros and Cons

People who smoke a pack a day die on average 7 years earlier than people who have never smoked.
When people talk about quitting smoking, they frequently mention hypnosis. In fact, hypnosis is one of the methods most frequently used by individuals wanting to quit smoking. Some people who have quit swear by this method, while many others feel as though they wasted their time and money.
Most people can be hypnotized. The goal of the hypnotist is to create a light trance so that the quit smoking suggestions he or she offers can replace the desire and urge to smoke. Alternative behaviors are suggested to replace the desire for smoking. The cost can vary but typically runs about $60 per hour.
There aren’t a lot of good studies evaluating the effectiveness of stop smoking hypnosis. One study showed that 23 percent of people who were hypnotized weren’t smoking 6 months later.
But according to the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, the rates drop off dramatically by about one year. The bottom line is we don’t know if hypnosis works in the long run.
Given these facts that many people who use hypnosis to quit smoking, like to combine it with some other method like a good smoking cessation program or a medication. This way, the behavioral issues and nicotine withdrawal can also be addressed.
Finding a good hypnotist may be a challenge because there aren’t any good accrediting agencies for these professionals. If you choose this method, you will probably need to rely on friends and your personal doctors for a good recommendation. Hypnotists are typically not physicians because the subject is not taught in most medical schools.
The number of sessions needed varies depending upon the hypnotist and you. Some people are smoke-free after one session, while others require up to four sessions. Sessions may be conducted on an individual basis or in a group setting.
One-on-one sessions typically last about an hour, whereas group sessions typically last several hours. Most hypnotists feel the individual approach has a better success rate than the group setting.

The Pros of Hypnosis:

  1. Doesn’t involve medications.
  2. May require only one visit.
  3. Good for people who feel their problem is a lack of willpower (although this is usually an oversimplification).

The Cons of Hypnosis:

  1. Can get expensive.
  2. Doesn’t address nicotine addiction.
  3. Not proven to work in the long run.
  4. Doesn’t teach you how to stay quit or how to handle difficult situations.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does Hypnosis Work?

Agreed suggestions are placed into your subconscious mind to help you to overcome problems. In this instance, suggestions will be placed into your subconscious mind that you have no cravings for tobacco, no desire to eat more, no bad temper or irritability and no concern that you are missing out on anything, so will not feel deprived or in need of a substitute. The hypnotic suggestions are only effective if you allow them to be.

Can Anyone Be Hypnotized?

Yes, providing that the circumstances are right and so long as the person is not under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and providing you want to be hypnotized. If you are undergoing hypnosis because someone else has pressurized you into trying it, then it will not work.

Are There Any Adverse Side-effects to Hypnosis?

No. Hypnosis is used to facilitate positive change. You are in complete control throughout the hypnotic state. The benefits of hypnosis can be felt immediately. You cannot be made to do anything that you do not want to do and will not accept any suggestions which would not be acceptable to your conscious mind.

Will They Make Me Do Silly Things?

No, you would never do or say anything while in the hypnotic state which you would not normally do and in particular which goes against your moral code.

Will I Lose Control During the Session?

No, you do not relinquish control whatsoever. You are in complete control throughout and can stop the session at any time. You will be fully aware and hear everything that is said to you, as you are in a state of increased awareness. A hypnotherapist can never gain control over your mind but will assist you, through suggestions, to take control of your life and the habits that you wish to change.

What If I Don’t ‘Come Out’ of the Hypnotic State?

You will. You can open your eyes at any time during the session, ending the hypnotic state immediately. You can do this at any time you wish to, as you are in complete control throughout.

How Will I Feel After the Hypnosis?

Most people feel very relaxed and quite sleepy following hypnosis, and have been known to fall asleep more easily than usual that night. Others feel exceptionally happy. All feel energetic the following day – this is due in part to increased oxygen levels in the bloodstream.

A Better Way?

A similar method to hypnosis, but without it’s major cons and potential side effects are the subliminal suggestions for quitting smoking, which you can purchase cheaply in mp3′s.


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