Nicotine Addiction Is the Main Cause of Smoking

Everyone along with smokers is well aware of the effects of smoking. Still, they do not quit smoking. Their love for smoking is the one major cause for their not quitting smoking. Most of the smokers would agree to this fact that they love smoking.
But, do not you think it is a wrong word for smoking. It is actually a misunderstanding. The cause for their smoking do not depends on their love for smoking. But, the real cause is that they do not like not smoking.


Through smoking several deadly chemicals enter in our body. One of the major content of cigarette is nicotine. It is an addiction, making the smoker addicted for nicotine. This Nicotine is running along the blood stream of smoker.
Smoker will become tense when the level of Nicotine decreases in his/her blood level. To behave normally, the smoker needs continuous doses of nicotine in his/her blood.
Smoker would immediately smoke when the level of nicotine decreases. The level of nicotine becomes normal after smoking and smoker would be automatically normal. This is the only cause for smoking.
Nicotine should be consumed up to a limit. The exceeding limit of nicotine content in your body can do serious harm to your body. One who is able to manage the content of nicotine is a successful smoker.

Phases Through Which A Smoker Goes When He Quits Smoking

When smokers decide to quit, they have to gone through several difficult phases. They are well aware of the pain that they are going to experience without smoking. As the smokers will have to face the problem due to decreasing nicotine level, the earlier phases are very tough.
There will be a too strong urge for smoking. But, gradually their urge slows down. Smoker has the tendency to smoke frequently. However, they will be able to manage themselves without smoking, when the interval grows. In this way, one can quit smoke.
But, no one can help you, if you continue smoking. You need your help in quitting smoking. Otherwise, ruin your life in your continuous battle for maintaining the level of nicotine.
This harmful fight costs your life as well as your bank balance. You have already wasted a huge amount in buying this poison. Along with the money, you are also destroying your precious health.
Only one puff of smoke causes the entry of so many deadly chemicals in your body. Next time when your urge for smoke arises, just remember these words.
Nicotine addiction withdrawals can be powerful, and while there are no options equivalent to a drug rehab center for nicotinen.


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