Smoking Cigaretes Is A Never Ending Problem

In spite of so much awareness about the ill effects of nicotine, smoking cigaretes apparently continues to chase everyone, everywhere. It not only affects our lifestyle but also affects the lifestyle of our family members and colleagues.
They too may become part of this habit or psychological concerns that may result from this addiction.

Teenage Smokers

Earlier, smoking cigaretes was a craze among adults only but now teenagers too have joined the trend. A surprising fact is that adults are more likely to quit smoking cigaretes on being encouraged by family, friends, and counselors, but it is not at all easy for getting teenagers to quit smoking cigaretes not all that easy.
under the influence of the peer group or friends, they start smoking cigarettes and even if they try getting out of the addiction, the same influences do not allow that to happen. Teenagers get well entrapped wherefrom it is not that easy to escape.
Smoking cigaretes is making its presence felt in every sphere of our life, be it a school, home or work area. It is more an addiction than habit and therefore no one is able to escape its clutches in the first go.

Effects Of Smoking Cigaretes

Smoking cigaretes is not only injurious to health but to one’s wallet as well. Studies showing expenditure made on the pack of cigaretes has come with stunning outcomes.
A person could have easily paid for a comfortable life with the money that one wastes on buying these stuffs. But the thing is that we never think about such consequences that are adversely affecting our life to a great extent.
It has been made mandatory for employees not to smoke at work in USA. The Company has a right to fire that employee in case someone does not follow the rule. Company will not insure such persons. This has become a hot topic on the chat shows in America.

Stop Smoking Cigaretes Program

Most of the smokers are working hard to quit the habit of smoking cigarettes, but unfortunately, a few of them are able to do it.  Many counselors have developed a program that has been proved successful for interested volunteers. This ‘stop smoking cigarette’ program works according to the Behavior Theory.
It is different from other programs and helps a person not to depend on cigaretes at every tense circumstance of his life. This way the smoker learns to resist his cravings for another puff.
It has become essential to take required steps to control smoking before we have any more sufferers in its grasp. Friends, family and counselors can only suggest but one has to take the initiative on one’s own to enter a healthy lifestyle.


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