Quit Smoking Pills

With a projected increase of smokers amongst youths and the elderly, the debilitating effects of smoking, and the heightening number of quitters, the demand for a quick way to kick off the habit has resulted to emergence of more pills and capsules that promise and most do, help quit smoking in a day.
Stop smoking pills contain chemicals, and swallowed using water to aid to quit smoking. Often, most pills have similar chemical compounds, and working mechanisms, but since they are manufactured or branded by different companies, their names differ. Besides, not all pills work as specified, or as per your body specifications.
Zyban is a stop smoking pill that contains bupropion hydrochloride, which improves the body systems to increase production of dopamine and norepinephrine. According to scientific studies, the chemicals work similar to nicotine: relaxing the body. Herein, they help reduce the craving for nicotine; hence the smoking habit dies off.
New drugs are invented, while the existing ones perfected. Pfizer is a new in the market, while Chantix and Varenicline have been in the market for long. These pills works in relaxing the body and cutting out the body demand for nicotine.
Although studies show that Chantix is more effective than Zyban and Pfizer, more research is ongoing to rally determine other side effects, rate of effectiveness and functionality of these pills to help in kicking off the habit that endangers lives of millions worldwide.
Mainly pills like Varenicline works in replacing the receptors that nicotine attaches to the brain nerves. These helps reduce or cut short chances of nicotine gaining access to the brain, while the brain looses crave for nicotine. Besides, all pills must be tested by the Food and Drugs Authority before it is deemed fit for human consumption or use.
Pills are effective as compared to other stop smoking programs like patches, chewing gums or lozenges and counselling. This is to the fact that, pills have the chemicals that are absorbed into the body systems at a fast rate than in the other programs, and take considerable time for use. Mostly, pills are taken twice in a day, for at least a week depending on the specifications.
Although some pills are expensive, and can be addictive, some others are useful.Pills like chantix which is approved by the FDA can be even purchased online, however if you decide to buy chantix online you should be aware of the dangers of counterfeits and only purchase from trusted sites.
Besides, some pills can lead to lethal side effects especially if taken ignoring doctor’s prescriptions. In case of overdose, under-dose or body reactions to specific brands, seizure, rash or allergy may result.
It is advisable not to use quit smoking pills if you are pregnant, allergic to some certain drugs, patients taking other depressants, and epileptic persons. Taking drugs neglecting these advisory messages can lead to fatal symptoms.
No matter which program you choose to quit smoking, and stay safe from lung cancer, tuberculosis, emphysema, infertility, low birth weight, still birth, insomnia, and death at all, you need to incorporate counseling sessions to your taking pills to make the program more effective. Quitting smoking is the best thing you have decided to do.


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