Stop Smoking Books

Smoking is a destructive habit shared by millions around the world. It is the act of inhaling smoke from a cigarette. The obvious diseases that are associated with smoking are cancer of the lungs and throat cancer. For most people who smoke, it is a habit that they cannot beat on their own no matter how much will power they possess. Different methods are available to try and help these individuals beat this life threatening habit e.g. the patch. In recent days, authors have set out to write books about smoking, its effects and how best to kick the habit. Some of these books are:
The Easy way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr
The author of this book was a smoker himself and used to smoke up to 100 cigarettes a day. The book tries to get the reader to identify with the real reason behind their smoking. He puts forth the idea that smoking is a psychological problem. It gives details on how to quit without feeling deprived or nervous. It also gives guidelines on how to best handle withdrawal symptoms as well as the main reasons why an individual falls back on the habit. The book offers useful insights on the role of boredom in reverting back to the habit, the myth that smoking is a stress reliever and the ways to avoid the temptation of smoking.
Kicking Butts: Quit smoking and take charge of your Health
by the American Cancer Society
This book offers specific, simple and practical guides to leading a life free of smoking. It is written by experts working with the American Cancer society and is based on medical proof. It gives guidelines on how to tangible plans for kicking the habit that are most acceptable to you and that have the best chance of achieving long term success. It also provides motivation for the reader in every stage.
How to stop smoking and stay stopped for good by Gillian Riley
This is a 5 hour audio book that offers techniques for the listener to demystify their addiction and after they do that, they can then take steps to control the habit and eventually break it. It offers a step-by step program that is simple to follow. It aims to teach the listener how to choose not to smoke even when they are faced with opportunity or boredom.
The hot to quit smoking and not gain wait Cookbook by Mary Donkersloot and Linda Hyder Ferry
There are a lot of myths surrounding smoking and weight. There is a belief that smoking causes the smoker to loose weight. This being the case, many smokers are afraid to gain weight when they quit smoking. This book offers recipes to limit nicotine craving and menu planning advice.
With the numerous number of resources available; books to CDs and DVDs, support groups etc, there is no excuse to keep up with this habit. The health risks that it poses are too grave to ignore.


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