Smoking And Pregnancy

If smoking and pregnancy go together, it is very dangerous to the unborn child. Surveys show that many mothers smoke during their pregnancy. They argue that smoking and pregnancy does not affect their baby at all.
This shows that these are the mothers that do not care for their unborn child, as if they care for their child, they not smoke during pregnancy, which is one of the major causes of infant deaths in the society today. Some future mothers have troubles getting pregnant and  Pregnancy Miracle could help them.

Smoking and Pregnancy: Chemicals in Cigarettes

Cigarette smoke is filled with nearly more than 2500 chemicals. Chemicals like tar, carbon monoxide, and nicotine present in the cigarette will show adverse effects on their fetus. It has long been proven how these chemicals can greatly affect the development of the fetus inside the mother’s womb.

Smoking And Pregnancy: Complications in Placenta

Smoking also leads to the probable increase of complications in the placenta. Reports show that in about 1% of pregnancies, placental problems are actually happening. Placenta previa is the most common problem, where the placenta is connected very low in the uterus and is almost the cervix.

Smoking and Pregnancy: Ectopic pregnancy

Smoking mothers run a risk of ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy is a condition where a fertilized egg settles and grows in any location other than the inner lining of the uterus, which is contrary to what normal pregnancy should be.
This is especially viable when the mother is a heavy smoker during the first trimester of her pregnancy. Prolonging this condition will only risk the mother’s life.

Smoking And Pregnancy: Growth Of The Baby

Another problem is the worsening of fetal growth. Smoking during pregnancy results in low infant birth weight. For so many years now, reports show that there had been significant difference between babies of women smoker and with non-smoker mothers than those who have non-smoking mothers.
Smoking during pregnancy leads to certain diseases like cerebral palsy, mental retardation, and the worst – death. There are also reports on how smoking increases the probabilities of birth defects such as cleft lip and cleft palate.
Moreover, babies born to smoking mothers acquire diseases like asthma, behavioral problems, or learning disabilities.

After Pregnancy

Smoking mothers should not again take up smoking after pregnancy. Nicotine can be passed on to the baby through breastfeeding. Most experts insist that the problem lies within the mother’s urge to get back to smoking right after pregnancy. These women smokers argue that it is safe now because the baby was born already.
The child will be facing adverse effects of smoking, if the mother continues to smoke during the formative years of her child. This is making the child to suffer from all diseases, which a smoker suffers.
Women smokers along with their health, they are even spoiling the health of the babies. Babies should be given the right to live a decent, normal, and healthy life. So it is compulsory that every smoking mother should quit smoking.


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