Smoking Cessation Hypnosis: For the Strong Willed

If you have already seen a magic show or something of that sort, then you are probably familiar with hypnosis. This is a very popular act that is often faked in magic shows but hypnosis is actually a scientific act. Contrary to the belief of many where one falls into unconsciousness or sleep, a person under hypnosis is fully awake. He or she is just into physical relaxation and in a state of mental concentration.
The process of hypnosis is already being applied to help smokers quit smoking. This process is called smoking cessation hypnosis. In this hypnosis, the smoker is drawn into a drowsy state where in the mind is fully awake. The smoker then is suggested to do things related to help him quit smoking. In this process, the person will more likely follow the suggestions he or she would normally reject in regular state.
In smoking cessation hypnosis, there are actually steps one needs to follow. First is for the smoker to know the harmful effects of smoking in the body and why a smoker gets addicted to smoking. It is very important that he or she is able to understand these things by heart and he has to b fully awake when this happens. The next stage is the actual hypnosis stage. In this state, there are a lot of figurative languages that needs to be of use. The hypnotist must avoid any direct language, words like smoking, cigarettes and the likes should be hidden. But it is also important that those words used to conceal are not misleading. The smoker is then asked to contemplate on what method he or she must apply to stop the problem, which is smoking. In the third stage, the smoker is now asked to dig deep on why he started with this vice. In this part, the smoker might be convinced that he is completely dependent on smoking, which may seem that all the good things that have happened to him are because of it; it is the duty of the hypnotist to convince him that smoking has nothing to do with his abilities or any of his achievements. In the last stage, this is the part where the hypnotist instills in the smoker that he does not want to smoke and is completely against it.
In smoking cessation hypnosis, one must be fully determined to really quit smoking. This is because all of this will be useless when you do not have that mental want to quit. Smoking cessation hypnosis concentrates on the mental strength of the person. If you have a weak will, chances are this method will not turn out successful.


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