Using Hypnosis to Stop Smoking

There are a variety of smoking cessation methods which have been introduced over the past years. Each of these methods has had their share of success stories where a smoker has successfully kicked the habit. However, some people have to try more than one method or combine several methods before finding the one which works for them. Why don’t we explore the use of hypnosis to stop smoking?
Hypnosis, also referred to as hypnotherapy, has become one of the popular options for quitting smoking which focuses on being positive. It can also be considered as a nonpharmacological treatment option, a type of treatment which doesn’t involve any medications. Hypnosis is unlike anything that we have been exposed to in the past. It is not something which is done for entertainment purposes where you control someone and ask them to do different kinds of things. It is actually concentrated relaxation, the purpose of which is to let a person feel relaxed while concentrating on something. This something can be a particular problem or a result that we want to achieve such as quitting smoking.
Using hypnosis to stop smoking has produced a high success rate. Most sessions are just one-time while there are others which require follow ups. Hypnosis can either be self-hypnosis or through a certified hypnotherapist. Both these methods can further be combined to produce a recorded program. This is similar to self-help audio tapes which you can listen to at home, in your car or in your office. They are available as an audio hypnosis program or a video hypnosis program. Aside from the audio and video, hypnosis can also be combined with other smoking cessation methods such as the patch. You can ask your doctor for more information about this.
How does using hypnosis to stop smoking work? As what was mentioned above, hypnosis focuses on being positive. With this method, you will be facing the emotional and psychological aspects of quitting and be able to deal with it. And instead of focusing on the negative effects that are brought about by smoking such as lung cancer and other diseases, the method focuses on the positive effects of not smoking such as being fit, being in good health, and the like. You are first brought into a relaxed state where you will eventually be able to access your subconscious mind. This is where you can focus on making a resolution to quit smoking, telling yourself that you are a non-smoker. It is as if you are correcting that part of your mind which tells you to smoke, to light a cigarette. You are instead, telling your mind the many benefits you can get by not smoking.
Hypnosis to stop smoking can help reduce stress which is considered to be among the reasons why people smoke. In addition, they also help change the way you perceive smoking such as a change in your behavior, belief, and the like. If you are considering this method, ask your doctor about it and start feeling stress free and smoke free.


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