Smoking Cessation Program

I said YES to life today when I said NO to Nicotine
Smoking cessation is the medical term used for quitting smoking. We are well aware of the consequences of smoking. Still, we are unable to do smoking cessation. Nicotine addiction, along with the weak determination is the cause for unable to do smoking cessation.

Will Power

A firm willpower can make one able to leave this nicotine addiction far behind. You only need to play certain mind games, as we all know that mind controls the body. There are a few examples of mind games. (Quit Smoking and Will Power)

An Example

For example, you have decided for smoking cessation, but your decision is not firm. You have the habit to smoke with your friends. Before meeting your friends itself, your mind has already started working. You would find it tough to sit in your friend’s company without smoking.
You would start feeling depressed and weak. You will become irritated by these feelings, which will finally make you will start smoking again. Thus, one can easily conclude that mind was the only thing that had encouraged you in taking up smoking again.

A Smoking Cessation Program

You can avoid such type of circumstances with the help of diversions. It only needs a little diversion of your mind. It is sure that you can help yourself if you divert your mind on some other thing.
Along with the diversion, it need positive outlook on smoking cessation. Never feel that life will be wretched without smoking, or it is impossible to do smoking cessation. Now, handle the same circumstances in this manner.
Your mind will start working as usual when you are going to meet your friends. However, try to think positively. If you do not smoke with your friends, you should consider it as a big achievement.
Never feel that if you have not smoked, life would be wretched. On the contrary, think that you are blessing a healthy life to you, as well as your family’s health. You are able to breathe fresh air, after smoking cessation.
Do not do to your friend’s place if you are unable to withstand the temptation. It would be better for you to avoid that place. Try to do something productive that will divert your mind completely.
Take your family for a long drive. Think about your kids. The quality time that you spent with them was more valuable then wasting it by smoking with your friends. You will find that you were actually fooling yourself by indulging in smoking activity.
Think about its bad effects of smoking upon you, whenever your urge for smoke grows. The smoke has made you its slave. But, you have to overcome this slavery and do smoking cessation at any cost, as smoking is costing you a lot.


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