This materials which have stems are made of differently and detachable. This stems and bits of tobacco pipes are mostly made of papyrus reeds and from bamboo tree. Some of them may appear to be expensive compare to the other materials.
Tobacco which is often smoked on pipes is treated carefully so as to get the real flavor which is not available to other products of tobacco. This kind of tobacco is usually mixed with some ingredients of various type and Virginia tobacco which brought different taste.
How do we pack this tobacco? Pipe tobacco can be bought in several forms; they usually vary the flavor and ingredients that has been used to make that tobacco. Most of the tobaccos look like cigarette tobacco, but are somehow kept on a tight packing material and are cut into small pieces. This method of cutting tobacco is not good because it does not allow enough space and oxygen to get in through the pipes, as we know dry tobacco burns faster with quickly little flavor some of the tobacco are cut into long pieces ,others are tightly rounded into long ropes the placed into discs. After it has been packed it is rubbed out with fingers until it looses weight to be packed.
Most common method of parking is you take tobacco, place into a container as you are pressing it until the mixture become good to be difficult to gauge withought any tactics. This method can also be use with fingers or thumb, but when it is needed to be repacked when it is too hot there is a material that is used to pack.
Let’s look about lightening; here we should have a match or lit silver of wood to light the tobacco. Some of the smoker complain that this light changes this taste of tobacco when it is held on sideways .this light is allowed to burn for a couple of second to so as to take out sulfur from the tip, and can be available to produce full flame.
When you have light the tobacco you should avoid the pipe to bur by mixing with honey and water. Spread around the container and allow it to dry.
After that you can start smoking, you should not take the smoke inside, so when you are smoking try to release the smoke outside. This kind of smoking eagles you to enjoy the tobacco.