Legislation prohibiting smoking in public places has achieved great success in reducing the effects of smoking to secondary smokers. However, these laws not only focus on smoking, but also advertisements, and promotion of events that publicise smoking.
Passive smoking has more devastating effects than direct smoking, WHO {2008}. This, composes of non-smokers inhaling the smoke from smokers, hence they are susceptible to complications like heart diseases, cancer and emphysema. The bans prohibit indoor smoking, basically basing their actions and formulations on proven scientific research findings that relate smoking to dangers to human health.
Although some protest against the bans claiming to create unemployment in tobacco industry, cut sales in companies and market for tobacco get worse, these laws help cut the cost of healthcare due to reduced disease complications, as wells as creating favourable working conditions and protect from fire hazards.
Of all the benefits, smoking bans have helped reduced the growing culture of smoking amongst generation. According to Centre of Disease Control and Prevention, the rates of smokers have increased over decades, but the bans are helping curtail the trend hence saving lives and safeguarding future generations.
In recent research findings by International Agency for Research on Cancer, non-smokers {passive smokers} are highly at risk of contracting lung cancer and cardiovascular diseases in the same magnitude to smokers. Herein, smoking bans help reduce irresponsible smoking, or behaviour that leads to publicise or increase this fatal habit.
Though smoking bans have been in existence since 1590 when Pope Urban VII issued threat to excommunicate any believer who was seen smoking, chewing or sniffing tobacco in church or church hall, now, smoking bans are adopted by many countries with even stricter punishments on non-compliance.
Countries have formulated and implemented their own smoking bans. For instance, in United States-Florida, it is prohibited to smoke in any public place. However, in most companies, you can not smoke in any enclosed workplace either, but in Italy, smoking in restaurants and pubs or bars. Besides, countries like South Africa has enforced a tobacco products control act that ban smoking in all public places, that include bars, pubs, restaurants, sport venues, shopping malls and airports.
Smoking bans prohibit cigarette smoking and tobacco advertisements. It also promote printing of health warnings on cigarettes or packaging, prohibit sale of cigarettes to children, prevents companies from using misleading words in their campaigns and ensures cigar manufacturing, branding or packaging companies disclose contents of their cigarettes.