Basically, no smoking signs give a message. The messages compose of written words and a picture/drawing or just a picture or message. No Smoking, thank you for not smoking and, this is a non-smoking zone, are the most common messages in no smoking signs. The message is straight forward, understandable and sometimes written in various languages.
There are various ways no smoking signs are installed. Some are posted on the door, some on cars or on the walls, while others are situated on desks. Besides, computer generated messages, especially presentations in banks is common. Thanks for not smoking in the banking hall is the common no smoking sign.
Though various governments have banned smoking in open public areas, some still do not seem to care on the dangers smokers pose to non-smokers. According to research findings by Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, secondary smokers {non-smokers who inhale smoke from smokers} are sometimes at higher risk of contracting heart and lung related complications than smokers.
No smoking signs are available in many drug stores, designer shops and on the websites. They are sold either in a full package or just a picture or message well designed to suit the environment you want to post the sign. Though the signs are inexpensive, available and help big, many firms do not consider the threat smoking pose to our generation.
Generally, no smoking sign is a picture of a coloured {black or brown} cigarette that seems to burn and then, a line or two crisscross the cigar drawing. This shows this place is a non-smoking zone.
Neglect to no-smoking signs is legally punishable, depending on country legal provision. In most countries for instance, Middle East, smoking is prohibited by provisions in Holy book, Quran. Besides, the Christians are also not allowed to smoke as the Holy book, Bible states. However, many neglect these legal and religious rules and do smoke at their own risk.
Companies, organizations, and some governments have built smoking zones for the smokers. Besides, pubs, bars, offices, airports and restaurants set smoking and no-smoking zones, and sometimes provide ash trays and punishments to non-compliance. However, government, and the world is moving towards advocating to total ban on smoking, and tobacco advertisements to help safeguard the lives of its citizens.