You can begin by setting a quit date. This will basically be the day when you will kick the habit. Quitting will be challenging which is why you should be firm in your decision to quit. It would be helpful to have something that will remind you everyday about your decision to quit. Place this reminder in an area that you will see everyday, be it at home, in your office, in your car, even in your pocket.
Tell your family and friends, people at work, about your plan to quit smoking. These people can serve as your support group who can give you the motivation that you need when you are struggling on how to stop smoking cigarettes. Some people refer to this as finding a quitting partner who will work with you from day one until the time that you can handle it on your own. And because smoking can be caused by emotions, you can express your emotions, express what you feel to these people and talk it out instead of smoking a cigarette.
Take a moment to look ahead and plan for how you will deal with different situations while you are still in the process of quitting. Think about the kind of smoker that you are, what are your triggers for lighting a cigarette, and why do you smoke. Think about different situations that might arise or everyday events such as right after a meal, drinking coffee, drinking with friends, and other similar situations. If these situations caused you to smoke, then think of something else you could do to replace smoking.
If you need to place reminders everywhere that you are going to quit, you also need to remove any trace of smoking, cigarettes, and other smoking related items from your home, your desk, and your car.
More importantly, talk to a health care professional such as a doctor. Consult the doctor about your condition and about what method can be used to help you quit smoking. If he gives you a prescription for something, take it as instructed and inform him or her as soon as possible if there are side effects.
Deciding to quit smoking is a big decision. It is something that will change your life for the better. These tips on how to stop smoking cigarettes is just one step towards your goal of breaking the habit. It may be a long road ahead but it is not impossible.
If you need to place reminders everywhere that you are going to quit, you also need to remove any trace of smoking, cigarettes, and other smoking related items from your home, your desk, and your car.
More importantly, talk to a health care professional such as a doctor. Consult the doctor about your condition and about what method can be used to help you quit smoking. If he gives you a prescription for something, take it as instructed and inform him or her as soon as possible if there are side effects.
Deciding to quit smoking is a big decision. It is something that will change your life for the better. These tips on how to stop smoking cigarettes is just one step towards your goal of breaking the habit. It may be a long road ahead but it is not impossible.