
Some might still ask questions like:
  • Just give in to the cravings, why fight it?
  • Quitting is hard, so why challenge it?
  • What are you going to prove by resisting your own suggestions?
  • Why do it the hard way, when there’s an easy way?
  • Why even bother?
You  need to use and tap into your subconscious for these processes to really work. For most of us this is a stretch as we are not as in tune with our inner selves and not too familiar with our inner conscious let alone sub-conscious functioning and higher capacities.
This is not up to you will and choice. Try to start by changing I will (expressing hope), to I am type phrases. This one simple change can bring about immense effects that you have not imagined before!
Reinforcing these ideas are a powerful way to stick with your plan.
Proof and evidence that there is NO danger in these processes, they work! Yet, some would like MORE PROOF that they are under or induced, hypnotized in fact.
Relaxation is a very important part of this equation and we suggest NOT getting too lost in the details of testing for it to be real, that you lose focus and purpose.
One sure way we “test” for hypnotic states is to test the pre-conditioned response. Here is one more suggestion on how you can try it for yourself:
  • Totally relax through your entire body
  • Focus on something in the room to concentrate your vision on
  • Make sure it is above eye level (like the roof or ceiling for example) You will feel strain on your eyes and eye lids as you go through this process
  • Suggest that eyes will become watery, tired and heavy
  • Keep looking at this spot
  • Feel your eyes getting tired and heavy, watery
  • Suggest that your eyes will slowly close as you count down from ten to zero
  • Now count backwards
  • As you do so, keep telling yourself that your eyes will become heavy, tired and watery and that they eyelids will close when you come to zero.
  • YOU WILL FEEL THEM CLOSE (if you allow yourself to focus on it and not get distracted by your conscious mind)
  • You will then feel and experience a light state of self-hypnosis.
  • You will hear all around you, sense all around you still.
  • Now you can start introducing thoughts into your subconscious mind. This is just a sample text of the wording or monologue that you might be able to use in and during this process. You can customize it for your needs.
Ten . . . my eyelids are becoming heavy . . . tired … hard to hold open.
Nine … my eyes are becoming watery . . . the spot at which I am looking is becoming blurred.
Eight. . . my eyelids are becoming very tired . . . very heavy . . . tired . . . heavy.
Seven … I can hardly keep my eyes open … I am relaxed all over . . . breathing deeply . . . normally . . . easily … relaxed . . . tired.
Six … I am beginning to close my eyes … I can feel my eyelids closing.
Five . . . my eyelids are closing more and more . . . heavier . . . more watery . . . tired . . . closing.
Four … I am completely relaxed … at ease … a feeling of well-being . . . my eyes are closing . . . closing . . . closing.
Three … it is becoming impossible to hold my eyelids open .. . the spot is blurred . . . my eyelids are nearly shut . . . dropping . . . heavy . . . relaxed.
Two … I can no longer hold my eyes open . . . my eyelids are closing … I am at peace . . . resting . . . feeling wonderfully rested and relaxed.
One… my eyelids are closed.
Zero … I am now entering the self-hypnotic state, in which I can give myself whatever post-hypnotic suggestions I desire.
TAKE YOUR TIME! Relax and count slowly
Tap into believing yourself and the power of positive suggestion and thoughts introduced while in this self-induced hypnotic state.  Give in and allow yourself to feel your eyes close.
Do not try to deliberately keep them open with you conscious mind. That would defeat the purpose.
Here are some of the characteristic “evidence” or proof if you will of the hypnotic state
  • You are dealing and looking for a subconscious response
  • There will be an/ some automatic behavior pattern that kicks in
  • This activity, habit or behavior is stimulated and started by a conscious stimulus to the subconscious
You have not reached complete body relaxation.
You do not have the right frame of mind or attitude about the process or outcome.
The conditioning process does not work strong enough for you yet – you need to keep practicing, breathe and relax MORE!
Relax BOTH mind and body – that is the key. Here are some sample questions you can ask yourself to do a checklist of sorts prior to trying again or continuing in your self-inducing hypnotic activity:
  • Am I totally and completely comfortable?
  • Any tight, taut, or trouble spots I can sense, feel or see?
  • Are you afraid of what might happen during this and losing control? Are there any disturbances, stray thoughts or other outside influences that can be distracting you?
  • Are you critically evaluating what is happening?
  • Are you using your conscious mind to resist ?
  • Can you close your eyes “willfully”?
  • Do you believe that this process is normal, natural and easy?
  • How are my muscles doing?
  • Is the tension back in any part of my body?
You are pre-conditioning yourself through habitual patters, routines and repetition through self-hypnosis  TO GET RESULTS THAT WORK AND LAST! That is the key, that is the secret! Simply and easily to QUIT SMOKING 1-2-3.
Another industry “test” for proof or evidence that someone is “under” or actually in a hypnotic state is to suggest swallowing.
These test for any and all following of instructions while under hypnosis.
NOTE: Always tell yourself that this action will stop, once the test is over! This post-hypnotic suggestions can be very powerful, so you do need to take extra care, not to be CARELESS with them.
Swallowing ONE time is the suggestion you will be using (go through the same process as the eye closure, but just substitute that movement with this reaction or actually swallowing ONE time!
You will feel otherwise normal.
Again some suggested expert text or self-talk to utilize and customize as you see fit for your circumstance:
Ten . . . My lips are dry . . .
Nine . . . My throat is becoming dry . . .
Eight … I am beginning to get the urge to swallow . . .
Seven . . . The urge is becoming stronger . . . My throat feels parched . . . my lips dry. …
Six … I have a strong . . . irresistible urge to swallow . . .
Five . . . urge is becoming so strong I cannot resist it. …
Four … My lips are dry…. My throat is parched. I must swallow. . . .
Three . . . The urge to swallow is even stronger now. . . .
Two … I must swallow … I cannot resist the urge….
One … I must swallow … I must swallow … I must swallow. . . .
Zero . . . I have swallowed one time. I am now in a self-hypnotic state in which I am very receptive to positive self-suggestions.
These tests or proof/evidence provides you with enough to realize that you are in fact responding on a sub-conscious level to conscious input or suggestion. It is and can be immensely powerful IF DONE RIGHT and FOR THE RIGHT REASONS!
When you do opt to use the THREE BREATHS TYPE relaxation and envisioning techniques, ensure you use the power of these positive thoughts, statements and affirmations – they will prove to be powerful, inspirational conditioning factors in your quitting smoking process:
Here is another example of a post-hypnotic suggestion:
At any time I take three deep breaths, I will be able to give myself strong, helpful suggestions. I will be able to stop smoking. I will be able to relax when and as I wish. I will be in a state of light self-hypnosis, if I so desire, after I take three deep breaths.

Here in a nutshell are some benefits to this method to quit smoking SIMPLY!

  • Anyone can learn it
  • It does take time and effort
  • You can learn it quickly and easily
  • No magic, no mystery, no tricks
  • Everyone can RELAX!
These methods and techniques can also help you in other areas of your life. If you clench your jaw, you are tense – you need to relax. This technique can help you with that too!
When you smoke you teach your body and jaw one way of dealing/releasing tension. We suggest another route. YAWN!
Even try to relax all the way up to your nostrils, cheeks, nose, eyes, top of your head and see/feel the results RATHER than reaching for a cigarette! ONE HABIT FOR ANOTHER – traded on the spot, with great and lasting results. You need not ask for much more than that!
The same process can work for your neck and back with great result. In roughly a three-week period (21 days) Yes, it can take that long to change a habit! You will start to notice a difference – YOU WILL BE ABLE TO STOP, QUIT, BUTT OUT, have no desire to some.
You will be able to relax and breathe, enjoy your conditioning results and battling quitting smoking on a new level and plateau, where you plan to succeed, NOT fail and make it happen, FOR GOOD! That is the difference.


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