Question 11: What Is The Value And Nature Of A Personal Action Plan For Quitting Smoking Simply, Easily, Naturally, Permanently?

Just reading about it is not enough, you have to go do and practice it now!
You will quit by your target date and be smoke-free! State that positively, repeat it in your mind, visualize your own success with it and never look back from there! Get rid of the automatic preconditioning of smoking advertising, society and bad habits engrained and entrenched over generations and years! Replacing these with new patters, thoughts, beliefs and claims about yourself, your health, your life, your future and STOP SMOKING NOW FOREVER!
Make your target day nothing special, but be enthusiastic and realistic about it and what it will take to get you there. Manage your expectations!
Keep it private and confidential and stick to your plan. Do not listen to the hypnotic, subliminal and overwhelming presence and messages from tobacco advertising and question every claim they make, unmasking the truth for what it is and you will see your aversion for the habit and hold on your life grow by leaps and bounds, making it easier to give it up!
Relax and breathing might not sound like much to you at first, but know that it work, in combination with some of the other techniques mentioned in this book to help you enable your new set of pre-conditioning that will in turn help you quit permanently!
The power of self-hypnosis and self-suggestion can and will change MORE than your smoking habit, it will change your life!


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