Question 10: What Will It Take To Change Attitudes And Habits Around And Of Smoking?

In this battle with cigarettes it is not over until it is really over and a thing of the past.
It sounds overly simplistic and too easy, we know! But do not underestimate the power of suggestion and positive thinking, statements and your sub-conscious.
An awful lot can happen for the better if you allow yourself to think it through and claim it for your very own! You envision that is step one. Now you are into the phase where you decide and act on it!
You are replacing new habits for old and bad ones in the process.
You are redirecting your energies and attention, your focus, thoughts and actions accordingly. You are overcoming and addressing temptation in its worst and most intense form, resisting powerful urges and cravings IN THE MOMENT! They were part of your past life and not a part of your foreseeable future. You are readjusting the scales and priorities of and for your life. SMOKING IS NOT LONGER ANY PART OF IT!
It might take longer than you expect it to, but always remember that breaking with bad habits are not easy. Behavior modification and adjustments do take time. Plan for it, get ready for it, execute for success  – that is the recipe. If that means you postpone getting started until you have the right frame of mind, energy and time, that is better than just starting for the sake of saying that you have started the quitting process. If you are not committed to the change, do not even bother. You will fail.
Friends might be fiends in and throughout this process. Before they might have been enablers of the process and your habits, now you are expecting them to support you in a decision that will destroy some of that. Be ready for it. They might not embrace or even discourage you from even trying, not respect your efforts. It will be hard for them to NOT see you smoking again, succeeding and them wondering it they could do it, should try it, fail again etc.
Temptation and give-ins will always be with us in our society and daily living. You do not need cigarettes to live a happy life! Quitting is possible and can be yours for the taking if you want it!
This is a new way of looking at things and solutions that are quite innovative and empowering, self-managed and quite simplistic. Anyone can try and do it and get results.
Smoking does relax you (initially at least)
Nothing in cigarettes can make/help you actually relax – quite the opposite in fact (pollutants, irritants and stimulants are present that affect your health and wellbeing. It messes and hurts your system, now and over time, with prolonged exposure.
The first cigarette you ever took, what did it make you feel like – be honest! For most of us it was horrible!
Dizzy, nausea and stomach pains, coughing and maybe watery eyes.
Blood vessels and arteries will grow smaller and your heart-beat fastens significantly. Less oxygen gets to your brain and through your system and you are filling it up with toxins. It is always trying to get itself back in shape and balance, its equilibrium, that is nature’s way!
The relaxation or feeling of euphoria that you experience is not a physical manifestation but a psychological one! You are facing uncertainties, problems, habits and rituals that are part of your life and routine(s). Drastic changes in some cases are needed and justified for success and guaranteed results. You are in control of your emotions and process pretty much by utilizing these personally customized hypnotic state, relaxation and visualization techniques.
For the THREE R’s – release, relief, relaxation, you can broker your way through the process to successful outcome. If you know what tensions do to you and why, what makes you reach for that cigarette, then you have won half the battle.
Tension has to be released throughout your body. Tension, fear and other related spasms make you reach for a cigarette to ‘release’ enjoy and have pleasure. Now, all that is changing and changed forever. Your body is programmed to fight for survival or flee, your muscles primed for response when required. Your mind controls your muscles. So, in order for you to relax, you need to be sending the right types of messages from your mind to your body. You are after-all a whole and total being.
Remember, your mind and body are one! Your nervous system, muscles and mind work together. So when you tense or relax there are interplay between these different elements to make you reach for a relaxant or in our case for quitting an alternative form of relaxation and self-induced hypnotic states that will help you relax even more, concentrate and focus on something else and effectively use powerful positive suggestions and thoughts to change your habits and actions and STOP SMOKING altogether. Tension is both physical and mental.
There are always little hints, cues and clues that we have that act like tell-tale signs that we are anxious, tense or nervous. These can be used as early warning signs that the bad habit is about to kick in as we want to reach out and be lighting that dreaded cigarette again.
We need to replace some of these signaling devices and processes as well as the habit itself. Taking a deep breath is one of them. Draw some fresh oxygen into your lungs as opposed to harmful chemical soup that might end up robbing you of precious breaths and even kill you in the long run. Be realistic about what these cigarettes are doing to your whole system.
If you want to really relax take THREE deep and cleansing breaths and try and focus on something different. They are life-enablers and will help you induce effective self-hypnosis, You will feel energized and full of life again! They are good for your health and easily become part of your daily routine and contribute to your overall well-being.
There are many things that we engage in during the course of a day that can affect us, our health , our happiness, our future. Breathing deeply can enable and help these processes along.
Oxygen transports life-blood throughout your system. If you take the time to look after this important part of your health, you will reap the fruit and feel less and less craving for things that counter or inhibit its effect.
You would not want to fill your body with irritants, poisons and harmful substances anymore. There is really no magic formula or mystery here. Breathing, relaxing, envisioning, projection, visualization it all works together, hypnosis, imagery and positive thoughts, the power of suggestion all come together to create a new dynamic and help you get some new habits in place that make all the difference.
Your life and person will change, you will start to feel better about yourself and enjoy quitting and being a non-smoker before you know it. You will know new pleasure that is real not substance induced or mind over matter.
You are dealing with NEWER images of yourself as happier, healthier. You resist urges and temptations to give into your old habits of smoking to relax and are on a new path to success and results – being SMOKING FREE!
You can also re-train your responses to enablers of your habits, for example someone offering you a cigarette, well-knowing that you are trying to quit (or not even intentionally), just see yourself saying no thank you over and over again. It will get so much easier to just say NO!
Also do this routine of breathing and relaxing as you fall asleep every night. Make it your personal countdown. Practice this technique often and you will see the results soon and quicker than you think!
Smoking will lose its luster, hold and appeal to you in no time. If you have urges to light up, just stop, regain control and then take your breathing and concentration break. Practice your new habit, instead of the older one.
There are better ways to relax and not be tense than lighting a cigarette, which does NOT relax your body and mind at all. It takes, does not give LIFE AND RELAXATION! Your mind only lets you mistakenly believe that it is the smoking that helps you release tension.
Post-hypnotic suggestions, positive thoughts and affirmations all work together to make the picture complete. Combined with deep breathing, concentration and envisioning activity you will be off the habit, kicking it to the curb sooner than you think.
You can self-induce this process with little effort and practice and use it to great effect to enable you life and help you quit smoking effectively and successfully.
Repeating it often will help you make it a response, second nature and help you to stick to your plan of NOT lighting up again. You are in fact almost reconditioning yourself. You are replacing one habit and pattern with another and that is why this method is so powerful and works so well.
Taking the three deep breaths will be your cue for the new habit to kick in, focusing on something else, relaxing, breathing, positive statements and visualization, shift in focus and concentration and NOT SKOMING!  It will take time to establish this pattern for good.
These processes and habits will now help you also control your reactions and emotions. This form of ‘pre-conditioning’ as the behaviorists and psychologists refer to the phenomena is immensely powerful and reliable as you will find.
  • Breathe, relax, release tension, concentrate on something else
  • Do not be taken in by the pre-conditioning of smoking advertising, glitz and glamour – that is false and misleading – cut to its core, be critical and ask questions about it
  • Face the facts that smoking has harmful aftereffects
  • Gain skills and establish your new habits and pre-conditioning to help you STOP SMOKING FOR GOOD!
  • Practice your NEW SYSTEM often and daily
  • Practice your self-hypnosis routine every night to establish the new attitude.
  • Realize that it will take time – up to 7-10 days or more even
  • Replace satisfaction, gratification with other rewards and dynamics
  • Self-hypnosis can be easily induced and mastered and is quick and effective, the results lasting and inspirational – it will help you stay on course with no setbacks Set a target date that is realistic and reachable.
  • Smoking is both physical and mental and psychological!
  • Substitute new habits for old
  • The why and how of lighting up – why you “need” it
  • Utilize positive thoughts and suggestions to assist you, self-hypnosis and new routines, habits and patterns will help you succeed
  • Visualize and claim success
  • You need to be aware of what you do
  • You need to understand stimulus-response habits and patterns in your own routines and behaviors, choices and actions, including smoking
  • Your established habits and patterns
Here are some reasons some have tried this procedure and failed miserably! Yes, it does happen too, BUT there is always a reason for that failure and mostly you can do a lot to change the outcome and not just fall into your old ways or habits!
  • Friends who do not support, care or want you to quit
  • No real desire to quit
  • No real new habit to replace the old one
  • Smell of smoke, crowds of smokers lighting up in social settings
  • Social circles and routines that do not enable the new habits, rather the old
  • Some do not care that they fail, for they never were serious about giving up the habit
  • Stopping the new habits, pre-conditioning and self-hypnosis too quickly – being impatient for results without wanting to do the work – lack of discipline.
  • Too much time on your hand now that you have stopped smoking, not knowing what to do with it all!
  • Arbitrarily and impatiently just setting an unrealistic target date to quit – setting yourself up for failure so to speak
  • It is difficult to relax and accept your own self-suggestions
Stimulus-response theory will help you understand better what is at stake here to change thought, habit, pattern and behavior! Learn and read as much as you can about it.


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