Dangers of Smoking for Passive Smokers

Smoking-related diseases claim an estimated 438,000 American lives each year, including those affected indirectly, such as babies born prematurely due to prenatal maternal smoking and victims of “secondhand” exposure to tobacco’s carcinogens.
Some people have taken cigarette smoking for fashion but this leads to the dangers of smoking such as a Breast cancer. The studies and researches draw a line between truth and myth.
One of existing misunderstanding about cigarette smoking is the myth that young men generally get addicted fast to cigarette smoking, but actually it has been found that young women adapt this bad habit much quickly than young men.

Dangers of Smoking to Passive Smokers

The next unpleasant conclusion that comes forward is that passive smokers are at high risk of lung cancer (Smoking and Lung Cancer), heart attacks, breast cancer, etc, when compared to chain smokers. W.H.O shows us the true picture of dangers of smoking, which are related to 25 different types of cancers like kidneys, cervix, pancreas, and uterine.

Dangers of Smoking to Women

Women and non-smoker are finding more prone to the breast cancer than any other form of cancer and unfortunately the breast cancer patient’s list is increasing everyday.
It is proved that dangers of smoking are not only destroying the health of the chain smoker but also showing the dangers of smoking on the health of persons standing near by him.
Cigarette smoking is a synonym of death for women because it increases the risk of heart attacks (Smoking and Heart Diseases) and heart strokes making them the worst victims and the chances get ten fold if they are using medicines for birth control along with cigarette smoking.

Other Dangers of Smoking

List of dangers of smoking never ends making it a never-ending process. Thinking that it will free them of tensions and stress, smoker take cigarette happily but it releases them of their life. Dull look is easily visible on face.
The smokers soon develop wrinkles. They suffer of bad breath and yellow teeth and are ever complaining about stomach and tongue ulcers. Children adopt bad habit more quickly than elders do.
Parents who smoke inspire their children to follow their black footsteps by their incorrect habit and setting incorrect example for them. Because that the children such parents, from their initial developing stage have only seen bad deeds, so they can never differentiate between good and bad.
Yet another one of the dangers of smoking is that cigarette smoking blocks person thinking capacity. It makes one so much addicted that for every tense stage in life he needs its help.


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