Effects of Smoking on Stress

Approximately 90 percent of smokers begin smoking before the age of 21.
Smokers can give an endless list of excuses for smoking. For instance, some smokers sat that they get energy from smoking; some say they look smart, when they smoke; some say that they are able to maintain their figure because of smoking; some say that, as they are lonely and sad, they are smoking and some smoke to celebrate.
Smoking often seems like one of the best ways of handling stressful situations. For example, when you smoke, you may physically remove yourself from a stressful situation by going into another room or even outside the home or office.
Then, after you light up, you inhale deeply to smoke the cigarette, which relaxes you because these puffs are very similar to the type of breathing done during effective relaxation techniques.
Then, nicotine reaches your brain where it acts like a relaxation chemical. Remember, smoking can be both relaxing and stimulating. Deeply inhaled puffs relax you because they deliver large doses of nicotine that stimulate the release of relaxing chemicals in the brain.
Short, quick puffs are stimulating because, the current theory goes, the smaller amounts of nicotine cause brain cells to release other, more stimulating chemicals.  Smoking is also commonly used to combat feelings of anxiety and nervousness.
The nicotine in your cigarettes is so powerful that it can actually regulate your moods. It’s like a fast-acting medication that can be used to instantly treat anxiety and nervousness. Once the nicotine reaches your brain, it causes chemical reactions that make you feel less anxious or nervous.
This list of excuses for smoking never ends. There are some exceptional cases also. Such as, after quitting smoking, a woman was suffering from chest pain. Again when she started smoking again, her chest pain was cured.

Smoking Addiction

However, none of the given excuses is logical. The reason for smoking is smoking addiction. The smoking addiction is more psychological than physical. Smokers are actually addicted to those toxic chemical substances.


One of the major components of addiction in Cigarette smoking is Nicotine (C10H14N2). The smoker is unable to get rid of this nicotine. The Nicotine is running in his blood level.
When the Nicotine level in the blood decreases, the smoker shows certain nicotine withdrawal symptoms. To cover up the deficiency of Nicotine in the blood level, he smokes a cigarette.
This withdrawal symptom of nicotine clearly shows the cause for smoking relieving the stress. Some physiological effects also occur due to stress, such as, the urine acidic.
The general misconception of smoking helps in calming them down. Stress in not reduced due to smoking. On the contrary, it maintains the reducing level of nicotine in blood that makes them relieved.

Alcohol and Nicotine

Similarly, the level of smoking is also enhanced by the consumption of Alcohol. The Nicotine level drops during alcohol consumption and to compensate the dropping level smoker smokes a lot while drinking. Thus, it is important for the smoker to know the real cause for their smoking.
It is to maintain the level of poison in their body but not to calm down their stress. This thought will help the smoker to be an ex-smoker.

Quit Smoking

Once you have decided to quit smoking from that very day nicotine level will start reducing in your body. Make a promise not to touch it again. This poisonous substance nicotine will leave your body within two weeks.
You will experience no withdrawal symptoms of nicotine and would be able to live normally. You will realize the benefits of quitting smoking, only after you quit smoking.
You will get to know that earlier which you used to think as the advantages of smoking were not actually advantages but actually are misconceptions. You will get an independent feeling within you.
Now, you are no longer addict of anything. However, the ex-smokers have to take extra care. The moment they chew tobacco or taken a single puff, you will become addicted to smoking again. So, keep distance from cigarette.


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