Exercise – A Friend for Whole Life

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Friend can be defined as one who is always there with you in difficulties and make your life beautiful and enjoyable. We are having a lot of friend, but there is one person who gives you more than a friend. She is none other than our, Mother.
Mother, this very word when we listen or say, gives us relieve as we are sitting in the comforts of home. Mother is the one, who takes care of everyone in the home and makes our lives and things easier for us. She is the one, whom we could say a caregiver.

Mother – Caregiver

Caregiver is the one, who always helps you, when you are in trouble and take care of your wants and needs. But, who takes care of the mother? She also gets exhausted or her muscles get fatigued.
For all the moms out there, apart from the moms doing household jobs and taking care of your family members, you should also take care of your health. The backbone of a good home is mother, so all of you must take care of yourself.
You can give more to your family members than they demand, if you spend a little time on exercise from your daily routine. Exercise will give you more energy, flexibility to your body and power to do work.
There will be a feeling of freshness after exercise and you can do work, more efficiently. It is also prevent you from getting exhausted. Sometimes, one may get the irritated with the same regular job. Exercising makes you fresh and act as an exit door for every irritation and all.
It also has many benefits regarding your health, apart from making you mentally fresh and emotionally strong,. It is quite helpful in minimizing the ratio of heart problems, diabetes and obesity.
It also improves the levels of blood pressure, avoids osteoporosis, provide balance to your body while climbing stairs or walking. Lastly, beauty is the one thing, which every woman in the world wants to maintain.

You can bring glow and freshness in your face by exercising. The cause of this radiant complexion is the inner freshness that you are experiencing.

How to Get Started

There must be many questions or excuses regarding exercises in your mind.
For example, I am too busy to do all these things, or where should I exercise? On the other hand, how could I exercise at such an age?

Exercises That Take Little Time

Do not worry; there is a solution of each of your query. First thing is that you can take out some time for exercise, from your daily work easily. There are easy exercises that you can be done within little time.
Few examples are exercises as gardening, going for short walks in the evening, housework or if possible then you can also join a club.

Go For Medical Check up Before Joining Any Exercise Program

Second thing one must consider going for proper medical check up before joining any exercise program. You must consult your family physician or any other doctor, before going for an exercise program. Get all your tests done, such as the blood or ECG etc.
Due to any complication in your tests, then simply follow your doctor’s advice, if your doctor advises you not to do exercise. On the other hand, you should definitely follow this exercise program, if he says you are perfectly fit.
There is one question in your mind, which is worrying you a lot. Who will take care of the small baby, or old grandmother, or any other family member, who is unwell? Call an agency or your family members can help you out or any of your friends to solve this problem. Thus, you need a proper planning to overcome the problem.
Now, you are ready to follow this program, but still one question is disturbing you. You are concerned about your safety. It may be possible that you will get hurt or seriously injured. To avoid such situations, always appoint a trainer or a buy a book or video CD, sport shoes etc.

Exercise Program

The best exercise program one can follow is under the guidance of a trainer. In your staring phases, never exercise too hard. According to your MHR (maximum heart rate), one should exercise at 70 to 80 percent of heart rate.

Types of Exercises

  1. Aerobic- This involves walking, swimming, dancing etc. All muscle related activities.
  2. Warm up exercises minimizes the chance of injury. Pursue warm up exercises before performing the exercise program. On your fitness level, maintain your THR for 20 to 60 minutes.
  3. Weight training-It enhances the muscle power and balance of the body.
  4. To avoid dizziness, you should end with five minutes of cool down exercises.
Within the periods of two to six months, you will surely feel some change in you. Thus, to lead a healthy life, continue this program throughout your life.


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