Finding the Reason to Stop Smoking Drugs

Drug addiction is a very serious matter although those who have ken up drugs or are still taking them might not see this as something very grave for they enjoy the feeling of being “high”. The thought of quitting might have occurred to them a number of times already but these reasons might not b heavy enough for they are still not quitting. In fighting his addiction, there must be a very stable and heavy reason for quitting. Once you have figured out what your stop smoking drugs reason is, you will be able to start from there. It is the only way that you become successful to stop smoking drugs.
If you are health conscious, or the type who values his or her life, then you can start from there. If you are doing this for your body, to live longer and become healthier, then that can be considered a very strong stop smoking drugs foundation. You must love your body above anything else because you are your body. if you have this love, then you will know that it I your body that is suffering from the continued drug use. Although it is you body that most of the time craves for it, you should fight it for its own good. You will not give someone you love something that would harm them, the same goes for yourself.
Another strong foundation for one to stop smoking drugs is relationships. If there are relationships that have been destroyed because of your addiction, I is too a very strong reason. This is especially true if the one you have hurt is someone important to you, and the reason for that hurt s the drug addiction you have. If you are sincere about really reconciling with that person, quitting is the best proof to that. It will be hard, but once someone values a relationship, everything hard becomes a lot easier if it is done for that person, maybe a family or a loved one.
There are many reasons that you can collect if you just contemplate on it. There are those who have unique reasons that might seem petty to others, but it is the one that really helped them greatly. The reason should not be imposed, and the reasons presented above are also not limitations. Once you have your reason, and you think that that reason is heavy enough, strong enough to make you stop always remember that reason. And when you are already successful in quitting, you will see how much more it gave you. It will not only be an accomplishment, it will give you rewards to your health and the likes as well.


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