How to Quit Smoking Marijuana

The problem with getting addicted with something is the part where you have to stop because it is not doing you well anymore. This is the part which is hardest to do. It would have been easier if it wasn’t something your body was craving for. Like for instance, computer games, you would just have to part with your play station or personal computer, and in a few weeks time you are already okay. Computer addicts could argue that it isn’t easy too, but compared to having to quit smoking marijuana, anything else is a piece of cake.
Marijuana used to be medically used, but ever since people have been using it to get “high” it has become one of the most dreaded addictions because it is very hard to quit smoking marijuana once you have started. The problem is people usually know that it is bad for them, but they dilly dally on quitting because they are confident they will be able to quit at their will. The problem with addiction is that the longer you try to stop it, the harder it is to stop. Here are some ways on how to quit smoking marijuana.
The first thing you should have is determination because there is no one to fight against but yourself. You must be ready to really quit marijuana and not use it for good. Once you have this, everything will be easier. It would be better if you have a specific reason why you want to quit smoking marijuana. And keep something that will always remind you of that. It is always better when you know why you are doing things, because it is only then that that thing becomes meaningful.
Next thing you must have is a diversion. During the early periods, you will find quitting hard especially in marijuana cases. This is because it is your body that craves it. You have to fight the urge to smoke marijuana and this would be very hard if you have nothing else to do. This is why you have to have a diversion which is preferably something that will kill most of your time. A sport like basketball or maybe volleyball would be nice. Aside from the fact that it helps you quit smoking marijuana, it also makes you become physically fit.
Quitting is hard, but if you have your reasons then it will be a lot easier. Marijuana is highly addictive that is why one must quit as early as possible.


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