Preparing the Right White Smoke

There are different indicators that a person has done it right, it mostly depends on what he or she is doing. For example, in an exam, you’ll know your right when beside your answer there is a check mark. In experimentation with chemicals, you will know your right if you have the correct color and odor. In a math equation you will know that you’re right when the figures on the left are equal to those on the right. And there are so much more forms of indications of correctness. In smoking hookah, which is sometimes called a water pipe, shisha, or narghile, you will know if you did it right when you are able to emit a white smoke.
Like cigarettes, hookah also emits white smoke, the problem is unlike cigarettes the color of the smoke emitted in smoking hookah depends on many factors. These are some tips on how to produce white smoke from hookah.
First is that you should fill the vase with ice then followed by water in the container. It should reach about half inch the stem or tube that is inside the vase. Then sprinkle the tobacco, this is a very tricky part since you have to be very careful in placing it, it should not overflow the bowl, it should also be not too close to the fire since it might burn it. Next is to ensure that you place the foil on top of the bowl where you put the tobacco. The shiny part should be at the bottom, and there should be at least 15 toothpick holes on it and it must be sealed tightly. If you have a glass screen or a similar use but better, like a glass screen, then you can use that instead of the foil. Then, blow the pipe. This is to ensure that any dust or unwanted particles are removed. After that light the coal, the coal plays a vital role in your hookah experience, so be sure to choose wisely. Lastly place the coal on top of the foil. After which you can now start smoking your hookah. If you want to know whether what you have done is right, look at the smoke you blow, and if it is white smoke, then you are doing perfectly well.
Although the said methods might not be applicable to some water pipes, you can experiment on what you are comfortable with. There is no exact way of preparing hookah; the whole thing can even be considered an art. Just as long as you emit a white smoke, then it has to be fine. Whatever method you are using, as long as you are enjoying it, then it must be right.


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