Why Quit Smoking Now?

When you are still not in trouble, the things you know that are wrong does not seem so wrong at that time. For instance, you are stealing from someone; you think its fine until you get caught. People are normally only sorry when others know of their wrong doings, or when they are already faced with the consequence.
For vices like smoking, the consequences happen immediately, but since they are so mild, smokers tend to ignore them. They often think “why quit smoking?” when all you have to bear with are these very easy to overcome consequences. What they fail to see is that those “mild” consequences are only the beginning of the many harder ones they will eventually have to face.

Smoking does not only damage the body, it also contributes to air pollution. And since we are faced with global warming today, even the littlest thing like cigarette smoke is very crucial. Smoking also costs you money, although it may be cheap, the illnesses that you get from it are also costly to treat. These adds more reasons for your why quit smoking dilemma.
Many may think that smoking is not a serious thing like drugs, since drugs have immediate severe damages. But in actuality, smoking and drugs are very much similar, the only difference is that the former does not immediately create severe damages to your body, but it will soon do if the person does not stop.
Some may argue that if smoking’s effect will take place later than sooner, why quit smoking now? This is because of a simple logical reason; smoking is a vice that gives you a longer chance to stop. Since the effects are cumulative, which means that the gravity of the effect greatly depends on how long the smoker has been smoking, the sooner you quit, the better for your body. The sooner you realize that smoking will harm you and will cause you many disadvantages the greater the chances you will be saved from the more severe effects it may bring you.
Summarizing it all up, there are a lot of reasons why you need to quit smoking, health benefits, economic benefits, ecological benefits and many more. But there is one major reason for someone to immediately quit smoking, this is because he or she understands that the longer you delay the quitting, the graver the consequences, and the harder it will be to quit.


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