Quitting Smoking Timeline

Once you get addicted to smoking, the problem is how to stop. You will usually find it hard, especially if you have been addicted for it for so long already. But when you learn the benefits it will be doing to your body, you might find motivation in quitting. You see, smoking is a type of addiction that harms your body when you stop doing it, you are actually doing your body a favor. It is like ending the tortures of your body. Another good thing about quitting smoking is the fact that the longer you can restrain yourself, the more benefits it will be doing to your body. If you continue to quit for a long time, the more you will be getting, here is the quitting smoking timeline benefits.
During the start of quitting smoking, you might think that there isn’t a benefit present yet, you are very wrong. In fact in only a span of quitting for twenty minutes in the quitting smoking timeline, you will already be getting 3 benefits. These three are a normal blood pressure rate, a pulse rate decrease and a body drop to normal of the temperature of the hands and feet. You might not notice it, but during smoking these rates, blood pressure, pulse rate and body temperature, is already being altered. Stopping smoking will cause all these three to become normal in the next twenty minutes. After a few more hours, you will be experiencing a normal rate in carbon monoxide in the blood, which means that you are already avoiding carbon monoxide poisoning. You will also experience an enhancement of your ability to smell and taste things. During the first twenty-four hours of quitting, the risks of heart attack are also decreased.
Now that we have taken a peek on the quitting smoking timeline benefits that happen within a few hours, let us proceed to the benefits that happen after the first few days of quitting. After a few weeks of quitting, you will actually find it easier to walk. Aside from this, your lungs and your respiratory system in general will also improve. Lastly, the circulation in your body becomes normal. These things are also altered, and the greater improvement it will be if you have been a smoker for a long time already and you decide to quit. You will take notice of these improvements more than those who have only been smoking for a shorter period of time.
In the long run, the benefits you will be experiencing will be much greater. If you have been quitting for quite some time now, specifically a few years already, you will be able to avoid the killing risks of smoking like lung cancer, stroke, and cancer of the mouth, throat, and esophagus will be avoided.


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