Live Healthy and Quit Smoking Cigarettes

Kicking the habit for good is, as they say, a long process. It is deciding everyday that you are not going to smoke, that you are not going to give in to your cravings. It also requires support, commitment, strong will, and motivation. There are already a lot of people who used to smoke, who then decided to quit smoking cigarettes, and became successful. You can be one of them too. It all starts with a decision that you will make today.
As challenging as it seems, you can be successful at quitting smoking if you put yourself in the equation. You need to devise a quit smoking program that focuses on you. This way, you’ll be able to know how to deal with your personal issues that are related to smoking. Here are some things you should think about in your personal quit smoking cigarette plan.
You must first have an understanding about why you smoke, your reasons for smoking. It would also help if you ask yourself the question why do you want to quit smoking cigarettes. Once you have your answers, you need to write them down and use this as an everyday reminder that you want to quit. The next thing that you can do is to set your quit date. This date will be the day that you will stop smoking cigarettes. Make sure that you have something to be busy about for this day, but not to be stressed about, so that you won’t be thinking about smoking.
Before you actually go ahead and decide, you might want to consult your doctor about what you intend to do and how you intend to do it. Ask about withdrawal symptoms and things that you might feel during this period. You can also ask about the different smoking cessation methods that are applicable to you. More importantly, have a quitting buddy. This person can be a member of your family, a friend, your officemate or anybody whom you believe you can count on for support and motivation.
Once you have committed on your decision to quit, you need to let your family, friends, and co-workers know. This way, they can give you the support that you need and explain to them what you will be experiencing and the important role that they will play in helping you deal with these symptoms and side effects.
Make sure that you also identify different situations which might cause you to light a cigarette. You then have to decide how you will deal with these situations and these cravings when they arise. Have an alternative activity to replace the smoking. List them down and always bring this list together with your quit smoking cigarette reminder.
Quitting is again, a decision that you have to make everyday. You are a big part of the equation which is why you have to stay positive that you can do it. Stick to your personal quit smoking cigarettes plan, get as much support as you need, and make the right decision everyday.


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