How you can quit smoking today

There are many reasons why people smoke. There are also many more good reasons why people should not. But once you get into the habit of smoking, quitting can be challenging. True enough, it is difficult and entails a long process. But if you are able to quit smoking today, you’ll get to enjoy life more and live healthier, live longer.
What can be done for you to quit smoking today? At present there are several smoking cessation methods that you can choose from. Before engaging on one, however, it would be best to go talk to your doctor about your plan to quit. As a health care professional, he or she can give you sound advice as to which method would be the most applicable for you.
Aside from consulting with your doctor, you can also do research yourself and find out why you need to quit smoking today. You can find a lot of resources online which contain helpful information as well as guides on how to quit smoking. Look up articles and information on the benefits of not smoking, of living healthier and cleaner, of making a change for the better. On the financial aspect, take note of how much you spend buying cigarettes and make a computation to see how much you can actually save by not smoking.
Think about the reasons why you smoke, about the kind of smoker that you are. Identify what situations cause you to light a cigarette. List these down together with your reason for why you want to quit smoking. Let this serve as your pocket reminder and bring it with you wherever you go. It would also help if you look up what symptoms and side effects you will be experiencing because of quitting smoking. After learning about the symptoms, learn also about how you are going to deal with them when they appear. List these down as well and keep this list together with your pocket reminder. More importantly, discuss this with your loved ones. They are the people who care about you the most and will serve as your support group. They need to be informed about your decision, what you will be going through, and how they can be of help.
Now more than ever is when you need all the support and help that you can get. Talk to your doctor and seek medical advice. Talk to your family, friends, and co-workers and ask for their support and understanding. And then think of the many wonderful opportunities in the future that you can enjoy by deciding to quit smoking today.


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