How To Quit Smoking

Cigarette smoking is addictive due to it containing nicotine and therefore quitting is hard but this can be done with strategic steps that should be followed without fail. It is advisable that you do not give up along the way.
Before proceeding it is necessary that you first set a quit date, this is just to encourage you to quit on that very day that you have set, that date is your aim. Hereunder are some tips that will help you to quit smoking:
It is necessary that you first identify the times that you are most likely to smoke; for instance, some people tend to smoke when they are stressed, while drinking, when they are bored, when they are out with friends or even when they are driving.
Secondly you must then note all these risky times on a diary, it is essential that you record any time that you have had a cigarette and what was the activity at that time.
To kick out your smoking habits, you must look for other activities that will keep you busy at that time when you feel that you really want to smoke, for example drink tea instead of coffee, tea will make the urge for smoking go away, when you feel stressed and you feel the urge to smoke, you should take a walk, this walk should be away from shops that are likely to sell cigarettes or cigars. If you used to smoke while driving, it is of essence to get rid of cigarettes or ash trays as they will take you steps back and you might not achieve your goal. In the place of the ash trays and cigarettes, put hard candy or pretzels. When you feel that the urge to smoke is too much, then you can take a straw and pretend to smoke.
As much as possible, try to avoid places that can make you smoke, for example going out with friends or when you are drinking.
Make it known by your co-workers, family and friends that you are on the process of quitting. The mere fact that they know that you want to quit will make you want to achieve your goals (they are motivators).
Before the day that you have set as the quit date, start reducing the rate at which you smoke, also change the cigarettes from the hard ones to mild ones. Before your quit date ensure that you have cleared away anything that smells like smoke, they could be clothes or even furniture.
Other than the above mentioned tips, you can enroll in a cessation classes that are in hospitals, health departments or even community centers. Ask for medications like bupropion, chantix or varenicline but first check if they are safe for you to use. Use nicotine patches, sprays or gum. For some people hypnosis works. Exercises can relieve the urge to smoke. Do not give up when you are not able to quit smoking the first time, know that nicotine is addictive and the addiction is hard to break. Always try quitting sometimes, with another method that suits you.


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