Stop Smoking Cigarettes

The cigarette contains over 400 toxic substances and also 4000 chemical compounds, all that including tar and nicotine the latter being an addictive compound.
Statistically, 3000 teenagers in the USA pick up smoking on a daily basis. This is further soaring high in that every 8 seconds a person dies due to smoke related illnesses.
According to Doctor Donnica Moore’s website, it is stated that women are more adversely affected by smoke related illnesses than their male counterparts; the website further notes that half of all the heart related deaths in women that are younger than 60 years is due to cigarette smoking. Not only are the women affected adversely, also children either unborn or those that live with smokers can get smoke related illnesses for instance ear infections or in severe cases sudden death in infants.
In women, it has been noted that smoking related cancer deaths are by far surpassing the deaths caused by breast cancer. Generally 1 out of 3 cancer deaths are related to smoking. Cancers associated with smoking are mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, breast and pancreas cancers.
Quitting smoking is a tough thing to do that needs time and one should not give up following the process. You first must take note of the time that you are most likely to get tempted to smoke; this can be when you are out with friends, when you feel you are stressed, as you drive, or even when drinking either coffee or alcohol. After this you must record all the time that you smoke in a diary, record also the activity that you are doing at that time.
To keep off your smoking habits, you must do some activity that will make you stay away from cigarettes or do something that will not trigger the urge for you to smoke, for instance you can drink tea instead of coffee, tea does not trigger the urge to smoke. You can take a walk when you feel stressed. Remove accessories like ash trays and cigarettes from places that you are more likely to smoke. Pretend to smoke a straw when the urge is too much. Hard candy is also helpful.
Quitting smoking is a process that cannot happen over night, thus you must do it in a systematic manner, for example before the target quit date that you have set, you should reduce the frequency of cigarette smoking or even the strength of the cigarette. Also you should get rid of all things that smell of smoke, they could be clothes or furniture.
Make it known to all your family members or friends that you are on the quitting process, just that fact of having made them know your intention is a motivating factor and is a reminder.
There are medications that can help you to quit, for example zyban, wellbutrin or bupropion. However you must first consult to ensure that they are appropriate and safe. Additionally there are nicotine sprays, gums and patches. Hypnosis is said to help other people to quit.
You can also enroll in cessation programs that are in hospitals, community centre and also health departments. To wind up it is said that smokers do not get old, rather they die young.


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