Question # 1: When Can You Say That Smoking Is Too Much And Which Aggravating Factors Should Be Considered Part Of The Problem And Not The Solution?

SMOKING TOO MUCH IS AT THE CENTER OF CONCERN for this topic, but how we/you individually, collectively, even as a society define this “excessive use of a substance”,  is what will in the end trigger the final standard between acceptable and rejected on the grounds of NOT BEING GOOD FOR YOU or IN EXCESS (TOO MUCH!).. and addiction, problem and/or illness!
Start by asking yourself which of the following scenarios and/or habits apply to you?
  • Cigarettes are the very first and last thing you do every day. Find yourself NOT being able to go without it is part of your daily routine and battle.
  • Going through the motions, lighting up and not even realizing that you are smoking, wondering why and when you needed it or lit up? It almost seems like not even a conscious decision.
  • Some things you just cannot do and enjoy without a cigarette in hand (morning paper reading at table, morning coffee, sleeping in or BEFORE going to bed).
  • Make excuses and/or explain WHY you smoke with phrases like I need it to relax, or I just take it/light up when I really need it! or I can stop anytime I want.
  • Getting highly agitated if you are in a non-tolerant, non-smoking or designated clear air area or space where smoking is prohibited,. You can not but just want to get out of there!
  • Ducking out and stealing a puff or two at every opportunity – you cannot go without it.
  • Cannot cope if you cannot get your hands on cigarettes and get your nicotine fix. Going to great lengths to actually get what you need, want and desire. Smoking for social reasons or peer pressure, to be in or cool, an adult.
Do any, some or all of the above pertain to you? Smoking in excess, does not only mean too much! You are smoking and doing so for the wrong reasons also qualifies.
You do not need smoking to be healthy, do the right thing(s) or need per se. It is not medicine and it will not make you better or change your condition in a significantly positive way.
Causes and correlations have singled out things like lung cancer and coronary artery diseases, increased mortality rates and other related complications and/or pathologies, related to smoking…yet we continue to do so.
Smoking, drinking and working excessively can be a highly destructive cycle and pattern to base your life-style, enjoyment and activity on!   Why do we behave badly (when we know it is not good for us), is an open question!
We might be suffering from some emotions or trauma striking at the real cause, not just treating the symptom will have better results in the long run. You need to work on the real causes and underlying factors, rather than merely focusing on the symptoms of the addiction or disease.
Other reasons people have trouble quitting and sticking with it and contributing factors include:
  • A reactionary, repeat-cyclic type of behavior
  • Anxiety and escapism, methods and plans start to hatch to deal effectively with the situation/addiction!
  • Relaxation is key, not only for taking on these diseases, but also choosing right over wrong or bad choice!
  • Many choose instant gratification as their reward of choice! There are many layers and aspects to these any indulgences – things like excessive eating, drinking, playing, sleeping, working, and others.
  • The printed and multi-media bombard us with cigarette advertising. It invades our lives in viral form, often and frequently – there is no escaping it.
  • Smoking + gratification, satisfaction and enjoyment is put first around every corner.
  • The truth is that it can actually KILL , do damage, irreparable , with bad-shape damage and costs.
  • Other aspects of symptoms/health issues include;coughing
    digestive upsets
    other obstacles that let you NOT FEEL YOUR BEST!
    shortness of breath
  • Negative or reality advertising for smoking, its effect on life, future, health or more does not get enough attention.
  • The wool is being pulled over consumer eyes, to not focus on the real dangers, risks and problem aspects, but impressive glitz and glamour super-sided take the center-stage.
An illustrative example of that has been the change and shift of the  industry towards the glitz and glamour of smoking, IGNORING, UNDERSTATING or over-emphasizing other alluring aspects, a game of smoke and mirrors somewhat. They choose to distract and mislead placing the attention on less serious things like soft or hard packages, unique features of the packaging that includes  fancy tops, lids, brand, size and flavor. They impress, entice and con consumers into purchase and addiction.
As a consumer, user, activist, quitting advocate (regardless), there are lots of barrage of and for tobacco promotion that surrounds us daily.
What makes an occasional fix, become a habit? – that is the  REAL question at heart and stake here!
Some may learn and master these quitting smoking simply methodology and tactics quite quickly – others take longer. It does not really matter HOW, WHEN or WHERE, just as long as you get there – no two of us are totally the same in this. Our journeys will differ, but have some commonalities too.
Techniques like hypnosis or self-induced affirmations, suggestions and positive thinking cannot harm you, nor is it dangerous if pursued to stop smoking. Trained and licensed hypno-therapists can make all the difference in assisting you to quit smoking effectively and permanently. There has been many successes and testimonials freely quoted and documented.
Relaxing will help you get back your footing, balance and even stick to you guns when it comes to butting out.


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