Question 7: Taking A Real Hard Look At Money, Financials, And Answering How Advertising, Sales Dollars And Related Expenditures Are Influencing, Impacting, Even Ruining Our Changes Of Quitting Smoking?

When you buy your cigarettes ask yourself and give some thought to what you are investing in, taking away from, buying into and actually purchasing that pack will become harder and harder! Here is why, it is all about money, profits, hidden agendas, taxes, advertising and (misleading) marketing campaigns.
Today the tobacco industry is four and a half billion dollars strong and growing. Everything around and with smoking has to do with enticing you to light up, buy into the fantasy and lifestyle and disregards the fact that it is harmful and can even kill.  It changes our thinking about the product and in the end is all about sales and profits.
We do not have or take the time to think about where our/those dollars go. , the twelfth largest in magazines, and the fourth largest in radio. Advertising and taxes are two major guzzlers here.
We are inundated with advertising and marketing for smoking. Television, movies, books, music, video etc. all tote and enhance smoking as a choice lifestyle.
If you smoke, your kids are twice as likely to light up! We are being suggested to, influenced and led by and around every corner, nook and cranny available to tobacco advertising. It has been going on, endorsed and accepted by generations and ongoing, trying to capture the attention of youngster early on, securing the next-generation buyers lined up to secure those profits, even grow them.
Withstanding, ignoring or turning a blind eye consciously to these campaigns will be your saving grade. Look more critically at what these advertisements actually claim, sell themselves… REALLY!  Then judge and act accordingly. Do not be taken in by their ruse.
Challenge and question ,inquire and ask, scrutinize and analyze what is being toted, sold, why and how. What makes people buy into this dangerous product? Consciously look at it deliberately and try to understand what they are trying to say and sell.
Destroy the glamour images and start asking some tough questions:

Here are THREE sample questions that will help you look MORE closely at al tobacco and cigarette advertisements:

  • Why is that?
  • Oh, really?
  • According to whom?
Understand the core and intent of and behind the message(s) and then make your decisions.
There is no claim to be made that the product is actually good or beneficial to you. Try to find some references that show that. Examples of how it benefits your health, body, etc.
Identify cigarettes as the source of all that is good, not evil. Choosing athletes and models to tote the product, will not help if you are realistic, swimming is good for  you, smoking is not, so a scene of a young athlete swimming, then lighting up will not convince you as you know better!
It is all about branding and who gets to access, use and choose it! What about competitors ask them? Unarm the powerful images, ask why they do not cough when they smoke, why their eyes do not water, they smile all the time as if in pure bliss (and your experience is so much different as you puff, and fill your lungs with harmful chemicals. Very soon those appealing advertisements are no longer so convincing as you see right through their misleading nature and true intent.
Test their claims and try what they suggest. Share and write down your experiences as you do what the advertisements suggests. You will soon cut right through the lies, suggestive imagery etc. and get to the truth which will shock you – none of the advertisements actually tell the truth!
Cigarette advertising is under the microscope and scrutiny or governments, lots of law suits have been won, settled and in court and cigarette taxes are more wisely spent. Smoking is being toted more and more for the hazardous substance it really is and more honest campaigns will put people off the habit for good!


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